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By Chevy Chase
Hi just wondered if anyone had a hob vasectomised lately and could give a rough idea of costs? Is it a procedure any vet practice will carry out or are you best of going to somewhere that specialises in this sort of thing?
I intend to breed my hob and jill when she comes season, to keep a Jill for myself and I’d have homes for any spare. Then I think I’d like to have him done and let them have run of a court together all year round.
Just to add, if anyone has had one done or knew of a vets they’d recommend for doing it in the north east please let me know.
Many Thanks CC
By CaseyJack123
Is it necessary for ferrets to have there injections I have 3 and it’s going to cost me 160 pound for the first course and then I have to pay another 160 for a second. I don’t work them I just have them for when I kill pigeons and rabbits so the kill doesn’t go to waste.
By CaseyJack123
I’ve got a 8 week old male ferret and I’m going to have him castrated, will he be allowed to be in my cage with my hob who’s intact. It’s a big cage and there’s a Jill in there too. If I can’t keep him in there will he be able to stay in there for a while until I get a new cage
By Adam1010
Evening all, this year I am finally in a position to be able to get my own ferrets. as you can imagine I have a couple of questions. Although I have been/done ferreting in the past (although not recently) I am no expert.
1st off when’s best to buy ferret kits. I believe the summer time is best from what I remember but in between which months, if there is “set months”
2nd is there anyone in Kent on here who breeds ferrets to sell on?
also any other tips when getting my first couple of ferrets would be much appreciated.
Ta. Adam.
By CaseyJack123
I put my gill with a hob on the 22 of March and she was with him for 7 days with swollen vagina, she’s in her own cage now and she’s hiding food and when I go to get it because I don’t want it to rot she bites my hand and fingers, her vulva has also shrunk and gone all wrinkly, sometimes she makes a small nest but then she just burrows under neath the paper I have in there. Is she pregnant?? It’s been 13 days since I put her with the hob