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What started it for me

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I was about 13/14 and sat in a maths lesson staring out the window as always. There was a piece of waste ground next to the school covered in brambles and a few trees, a couple of lads appeared with a ferret box and started to lay a few nets, out came the ferret and in no time a rabbit bolted out of the brambles closely followed by a whippet lurcher that i hadn't noticed previously and it took the rabbit in what seemed like a nano second! I was absolutely hooked from that moment on and have kept lurchers for over 35 years.








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I am not a running dog man, although i have shot and fished all my life. However I've really enjoyed reading about how you guys started out. As a boy growing up in West Wales i was surrounded by Men and some Women who knew everything about rural life, as Moc Morgan once said about where he was brought up there was a "professor on every street" . People near me had knowledge of all sorts of field sports, dogs, guns fishing, ferrets, throw in the knowledge of how to grow top notch veg and it was brilliant. I would also like to mention the diversity of these people they all worked, there were bank managers, Doctors, (the local Vicar was a keen and knowledgeable  angler) down to Council labourers and factory workers and everything else in between. Blymi i was lucky!! 

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1 hour ago, Aled said:

I am not a running dog man, although i have shot and fished all my life. However I've really enjoyed reading about how you guys started out. As a boy growing up in West Wales i was surrounded by Men and some Women who knew everything about rural life, as Moc Morgan once said about where he was brought up there was a "professor on every street" . People near me had knowledge of all sorts of field sports, dogs, guns fishing, ferrets, throw in the knowledge of how to grow top notch veg and it was brilliant. I would also like to mention the diversity of these people they all worked, there were bank managers, Doctors, (the local Vicar was a keen and knowledgeable  angler) down to Council labourers and factory workers and everything else in between. Blymi i was lucky!! 

We could only dream of growing up 

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On 15/11/2023 at 09:41, jukel123 said:

I was brought up in a city so I had never seen a running dog . The closest I got to a running dog was a borzoi I used to walk for an old lady. But my mother used to say out of eight boys, I was the only one who could entertain myself. I did this by pursuing flies, butterflies, beetles..anything that moved as soon as I could walk. A lot of lads recall being cruel to insects and frogs etc but I never pulled the legs of flies or blew up frogs. Horrible thing to do.

I didn't see a running dog until I moved away from the smoke when I was about 21. A bloke at work took me out with his lurcher. It jumped a fence , coursed a hare and caught it. Even now I can remember how hooked I was. He told me it was for sale for twelve quid so I said I would take it. However he'd already agreed a sale with another bloke and when he found out I wanted the dog he suddenly came up with the money and  I missed out.

I wonder how many kid's these days go pond dipping for newts and tadpoles and other creatures. A gang of us all about ten years old would be accompanied by my father who knew places he went to as a kid all on industrial land were water had run off railway bankings and gathered in a ditch that were full of different species from sticklebacks to newts toads and i once caught at the time what looked big a diving beetle. I also took tadpoles to junior school that were kept in a tank with the teachers approval to watch how they developed into toads. 

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