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Kennel renovation

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2 hours ago, Tesla said:

Have you considered underfloor heating?

Not an option as I've open front kennels ,most of the heat would be lost,and it's too much of an ordeal,I'm just refurbishing the existing old kennels

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Get tougher dogs ! 

I have some footage I took at 4500 metres,I was going up to a sky burial site in Bhutan,I had a guide as your not allowed anywhere in the country without one,I was narrating where I was going and I am

I know a fella who's mid 70s goes foxing twice a week beating twice a week n stalking once a week his mam died in her 50s n dad not long after n as he keeps reminding me he's still shagging a few time

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The thermostat is narrower than a pencil I'm informed,so it will/should run tight in the corner where the wall and ceiling meet,.. luckily with the dogs I have,none have ever chewed their boxes so I don't think it will be an issue

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11 hours ago, dodger said:

I know a fella who's mid 70s goes foxing twice a week beating twice a week n stalking once a week his mam died in her 50s n dad not long after n as he keeps reminding me he's still shagging a few times a week to so don't worry about statistics juke everyone's different.

I remember briefly talking to a Sherpa in nepal once carrying a basket of rice and other supplies up a mountain pass on his back I forget the name of them now, his face looked like a road map I asked him I'd I could feel the weight of it on my back n boy waw that thing heavy, do you mind if I ask your age I asked and in broken English his reply was, the problem with your culture is numbers how much do I have or how much don't I have or am I to old to do this etc.

We if we have money to eat we are happy, we don't know our age we have no birth certificates but if we can do we do and we are happy we live for today. 

Reminds me of a story my two Australian mates told me...

They were in Nepal trecking up a mountain...when they herd a noice from behind....was a little old Nepalese fella came past them at a good lick...he had a refrigerator on his back...they recon he was in his late 60.s about 9 stone wet through..

They recon he went past that quickly that by the time my mate got his camera out to take a pick he was to far away....and to cap it off he was puffing away on fag...

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

Kills me how professional climbers with 21st century gear claim records for Everest when sherpas guide them carrying their equipment  as though they are nipping to the corner shop.

I have some footage I took at 4500 metres,I was going up to a sky burial site in Bhutan,I had a guide as your not allowed anywhere in the country without one,I was narrating where I was going and I am literally sucking oxygen,I sound like I am on 100 fags a day (I have never smoked,always on the treadmill in the gym and am meticulous about my cardio)at 4500 metres your taking in I think I was told only 12% of the oxygen you would at sea level?I was focusing on taking in big expansive lungfuls but the Bhutanese guy was just toddling along chatting normally.Here’s a lady whose job it was to carry stones up a hill,all day back and forth carrying stones.



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Only thing I see which could be a problem is you're saying you'll have the tube at the top of the box.Them tubes dont throw heat out like a heat lamp and as heat obviously rises you might end up with any heat from the tube just staying in the top area of the box.

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What size will the entrances be to the kennel jig?will you put a flap of some sort on?

I got a load of leftover kingspan an put it on floor roof sides of the kennel,you can feel the heat in there,the dogs heat bounces of it,bitch is very happy lol

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3 hours ago, Francie, said:

What size will the entrances be to the kennel jig?will you put a flap of some sort on?

I got a load of leftover kingspan an put it on floor roof sides of the kennel,you can feel the heat in there,the dogs heat bounces of it,bitch is very happy lol

I'm experimenting with a circular door ,as small as possible ,there will be an overlap on the top as I'm going to add a piece on the roof so they can sit out on them,which they do already

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6 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Fixing them on the floor under a raised sleeping  area would be more beneficial imo👍

I'm keeping the boxes on the tidy size ,30 inch cube....my kennels are 7 ft square ....I think the plan I have will work out ok 

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3 hours ago, Francie, said:

What size will the entrances be to the kennel jig?will you put a flap of some sort on?

I got a load of leftover kingspan an put it on floor roof sides of the kennel,you can feel the heat in there,the dogs heat bounces of it,bitch is very happy lol

When you sit on a piece of kingspan the heat is amazing after a minute or 2 it's bloody good stuff mate..

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15 minutes ago, king said:

When you sit on a piece of kingspan the heat is amazing after a minute or 2 it's bloody good stuff mate..

I may yet incorporate it into the plan ,I'll see what we do,...it's good to get pointers and opinions ,putting the heater at floor level could happen too

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