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Times have changed,...

The facts are,... if you get a pull,..the authorities might steal your dogs from you.....and personaly,..the enjoyment of working the jukels is the only real reason for hunting these days...I don't need the meat, and I sure don't need to sell game to pay the bills,..so,..the risk of losing canine pals,..has to be considered🤔




Edited by OldPhil
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always use a solicitor mate 

Pictures are hard to use as evidence especially if there’s nobodies face in them and the animals visibly dead. Got no time for these clowns that take videos with a hare or deer still alive &

Very few people would guess that anyone would ever carry a catalogue of evidence against themselves around with them, but they do and it all comes down to bragging and ego.

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If its illegal don't take pictures simple as.

 I'm sure we've all seen "pre ban" pictures of someone's current saplings and I've even seen a working dog facebook page asking to see people's lamping dogs so some lad puts a pic on stood with his lurcher and a pig the spaz. Plenty of lads on here over the years given the police plenty of evidence too.

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50 minutes ago, gnipper said:

If its illegal don't take pictures simple as.

 I'm sure we've all seen "pre ban" pictures of someone's current saplings and I've even seen a working dog facebook page asking to see people's lamping dogs so some lad puts a pic on stood with his lurcher and a pig the spaz. Plenty of lads on here over the years given the police plenty of evidence too.

Totally different thing taking pictures of a protected species & posting it on Facebook, as opposed to someone taking pictures of legal quarry animals that could’ve well been shot, and keeping it to themselves to look back on

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Phones can be great but also your worst enemy, as already said when you take a digital photo, Metadata is stored within each picture, That will include, the time. date. the device used and if GPS is enabled then GPS co ordinates. Even without GPS if the authorities wanted to and could prove to a magistrate they have good reason, They can get a warrant to go to your Internet service provider with the time and date the picture was taken, They will then look at what IP you were using on that time and date, They can then see what mast your phone was pinging off, This means they can place the picture you took to an area anywhere in the country, Big brother and all that 😂 

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I’m more on the side of not having pictures but It is nice to look back on so I’m bit more careful of what I take. But there’s lads on my Facebook and instagram are more than happy to post the courses and the kills with themselves holding dead hares and I can’t understand how they don’t worry about a knock at all? I presume you have to be caught red handed to get any trouble and they’re not looking on any social media until after you’re caught? 

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