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f***ing fruit loop🤣

If you looked after her & gave her a good life then you did her justice. Don’t listen to the story tellers and their tales of massive bags of quarry every outing. If you didn’t see it with your ow

Found the beddy/collie cross a very good cross for a bit of everything if you can get a good un bred from the right stuff there a handy cross to have about only problem is finding them not bred from s

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19 minutes ago, shaaark said:


NO, whatever the f**k you do, DON'T get one off that clown, even if he's still alive!!


You'll be told a load of lies, be given fictitious pedigrees/lines/lies and all sorts.

Trust me, mate, I KNOW!!

take that as a no then 

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12 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

1st x bull grey would be bang on imho 

Thanks. If taking 1 on as a pup are they biddable? I've got in my head they would be extremely head strong and I might not be able to offer it the kind of work it would enjoy most....albeit Ive never owned one or been around many so could be well wide of the mark. 

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9 minutes ago, scottpenn28 said:

Thanks. If taking 1 on as a pup are they biddable? I've got in my head they would be extremely head strong and I might not be able to offer it the kind of work it would enjoy most....albeit Ive never owned one or been around many so could be well wide of the mark. 

ye there like a pet staffy mate 

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Just now, mC HULL said:

ye there like a pet staffy mate 

We had spaniels and collie x greys when was a kid and I've only really had spaniels. Lurcher I've just lost being my first lurcher I've owned myself so no idea what a pet staff is like to own. But by sounds of it quite trainable 👍

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