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f***ing fruit loop🤣

If you looked after her & gave her a good life then you did her justice. Don’t listen to the story tellers and their tales of massive bags of quarry every outing. If you didn’t see it with your ow

Found the beddy/collie cross a very good cross for a bit of everything if you can get a good un bred from the right stuff there a handy cross to have about only problem is finding them not bred from s

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3 minutes ago, scottpenn28 said:

We had spaniels and collie x greys when was a kid and I've only really had spaniels. Lurcher I've just lost being my first lurcher I've owned myself so no idea what a pet staff is like to own. But by sounds of it quite trainable 👍

yes mate they are real easy to get on with listen easy to train similar to a collie x grey but collie x be better for edible 

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sadly it's a changed world now days, the dogs we had in the 80s and early 90s don't really suit so much now, new laws and do gooders have seen to that. thing's we got away with then would be a lot harder now, so I think choice of dogs has changed too. 

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4 minutes ago, fred90 said:

sadly it's a changed world now days, the dogs we had in the 80s and early 90s don't really suit so much now, new laws and do gooders have seen to that. thing's we got away with then would be a lot harder now, so I think choice of dogs has changed too. 

In what way? If do gooders going to film you or whatever then surely makes no difference what type of lurcher your running? Depending which side of the line you want to run then all the same quarry is about from the 80's & 90's. Your either on 1 side of the line or the other regardless of dog breed? Genuine question so apologies if doesn't come across like it. 

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13 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

yes mate they are real easy to get on with listen easy to train similar to a collie x grey but collie x be better for edible 

Hadn't really considered bull x as just assumed they would steam roll into anything and everything regardless but has definitely made me think 👍

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7 minutes ago, scottpenn28 said:

In what way? If do gooders going to film you or whatever then surely makes no difference what type of lurcher your running? Depending which side of the line you want to run then all the same quarry is about from the 80's & 90's. Your either on 1 side of the line or the other regardless of dog breed? Genuine question so apologies if doesn't come across like it. 

point I am trying to make is, same quarry is still there but no longer legal whatever side of the line you are on, with or without permission. modern tech, etc makes it harder these days, only rabbits (remember them anyone) and rat are legal, myself and some I know have chosen different dogs now that we didn't have before. 

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10 minutes ago, fred90 said:

point I am trying to make is, same quarry is still there but no longer legal whatever side of the line you are on, with or without permission. modern tech, etc makes it harder these days, only rabbits (remember them anyone) and rat are legal, myself and some I know have chosen different dogs now that we didn't have before. 

Makes sense in more ways than 1. 90% of what I'm seeing for sale though are heavy bull x's and I'm not convinced they are being bred for rabbits and rats. Got me wondering though if a particular "type" bring unwanted attention more than others 🤔. Thanks

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If your main quarry is vermin that bites back...then something like a  wheaton/bull/grey is the road I would go down...

If you want to spin old puss and concentrate on filling a freezer..then a coursing dog back to collie/bull/grey could be an option?

It really does depend where/what type of ground you hunt on...horses for courses as they say...you wouldnt use a whippet for grassing big fallow bucks😉👍

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11 hours ago, scottpenn28 said:

Makes sense in more ways than 1. 90% of what I'm seeing for sale though are heavy bull x's and I'm not convinced they are being bred for rabbits and rats. Got me wondering though if a particular "type" bring unwanted attention more than others 🤔. Thanks

Then get a hairy bull x...thats the route I went down a few yrs ago...tbh everywhere I go with it,folks are always stopping for a chat...they are always blown away by how well mannered she is👍DSC_0936.JPG.28bde41734c8bbdac53f017f21c2ec82.JPG

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2 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

If your main quarry is vermin that bites back...then something like a  wheaton/bull/grey is the road I would go down...

If you want to spin old puss and concentrate on filling a freezer..then a coursing dog back to collie/bull/grey could be an option?

It really does depend where/what type of ground you hunt on...horses for courses as they say...you wouldnt use a whippet for grassing big fallow bucks😉👍

Tbh I've got no real specific quarry, although if can fill the freezer then massive bonus. The 1 just lost was just my type of dog, and I don't mean in looks or "type", she was just a joy. Don't get me wrong it drove me crazy that I could never get her going and never managed to fill the freezer but we tried so bloody hard 😂 now she's gone and will eventually be replaced when the right pup is found, I want to make sure I'm not looking at it with blinkers on. 

I know everyone will have different opinions but it's been good to see what others think. Especially when they know exponentially more than me about running dogs. From my point of view it certainly gave me more to think about. 

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15 minutes ago, scottpenn28 said:

Tbh I've got no real specific quarry, although if can fill the freezer then massive bonus. The 1 just lost was just my type of dog, and I don't mean in looks or "type", she was just a joy. Don't get me wrong it drove me crazy that I could never get her going and never managed to fill the freezer but we tried so bloody hard 😂 now she's gone and will eventually be replaced when the right pup is found, I want to make sure I'm not looking at it with blinkers on. 

I know everyone will have different opinions but it's been good to see what others think. Especially when they know exponentially more than me about running dogs. From my point of view it certainly gave me more to think about. 

What type/cross was your old bitch, mate?

If you got on so well, it might be worth going for the same type.

And like you said, you won't be making the same mistakes this time, so that would bode well for your new dog.

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21 minutes ago, scottpenn28 said:

Tbh I've got no real specific quarry, although if can fill the freezer then massive bonus. The 1 just lost was just my type of dog, and I don't mean in looks or "type", she was just a joy. Don't get me wrong it drove me crazy that I could never get her going and never managed to fill the freezer but we tried so bloody hard 😂 now she's gone and will eventually be replaced when the right pup is found, I want to make sure I'm not looking at it with blinkers on. 

I know everyone will have different opinions but it's been good to see what others think. Especially when they know exponentially more than me about running dogs. From my point of view it certainly gave me more to think about. 

The one you lost how did you lose her? Was it through a working injury? If you’re looking for something to do a bit of everything with I wouldn’t worry so much about the breeds, you get good dogs & shit dogs in every cross, just source a pup from parents that are worked to a decent standard. Most importantly though make sure the mother is the sort of dog you’d be happy owning, they put most in to the pups anyway.

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59 minutes ago, shaaark said:

What type/cross was your old bitch, mate?

If you got on so well, it might be worth going for the same type.

And like you said, you won't be making the same mistakes this time, so that would bode well for your new dog.

She was mainly saluki x grey but few other bits in the background. The breeding was top notch but I wasn't and sadly couldn't get her right

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