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Best Air Rifle

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Had an HW77 and it was bloody great! As mentioned, a bit heavy for some - but at 6' 1" and 16 stone, not a major hassle - then a 'mate <_< ' 'borrowed' it and never saw it again :realmad: My HW95K is cracking though. Powerful, accurate and the muzzle weight helps for long range shots too. In my opinion, if it's got 'HW' at the start, you won't go far wrong. (Saying that, I'm tempted to get a BSA lightning for using in my mobile, 4 wheel, portable hide :ph34r: :whistle: ;) :ph34r: )

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does anyone have any experience with the HW98 it seems to never get a mention

it was the last springer i had.

i found it to be a bit on the heavy side but then so was that 80:D and a few others ive had the 98 had power and accuracy i thought,and worth a mention :yes:

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  cabbie said:
22 airarms s410 mate the bollox

Not a springer though! :clapper:


I'm going to say HW77 because of the way it completely changed the air rifle industry. I had the HW77 Venom Mamba and I regret selling it to this day...


Great suggestions so far and a definite pattern is emerging. Throw a few more up and we'll short list a few. ;)


  baldie said:
Yes buddy, i dropped on a s/h one , a walnut .22, with swivels, that had fired a couple of dozen shots, cant tell it isnt new, and its sweet. :yahoo:

Any problems with the underlever?

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  ChrisJones said:
  cabbie said:
22 airarms s410 mate the bollox

Not a springer though! :clapper:


I'm going to say HW77 because of the way it completely changed the air rifle industry. I had the HW77 Venom Mamba and I regret selling it to this day...


Great suggestions so far and a definite pattern is emerging. Throw a few more up and we'll short list a few. ;)


  baldie said:
Yes buddy, i dropped on a s/h one , a walnut .22, with swivels, that had fired a couple of dozen shots, cant tell it isnt new, and its sweet. :yahoo:

Any problems with the underlever?


no mate, why do you ask?

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  baldie said:
no mate, why do you ask?

Heard a few horror stories about them coming loose and rattling. Generally about poor quality. Personally I thought it was bollocks so I asked you because I know you wouldn't pull my puddin! ;):clapper:


I've always rated the Pro Sport but it cost the same as a my HW77 Venom! :D

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Peg, where did you get a 77 in .20? that i would like. I used to have an original 45 in .20, and it was great, unfortunatly, i was only a lad, and the sheer size of the gun was a little much for me, it took some cocking.The only other gun i,ve had in .20 was a sheridan silver streak, i like .20 it is a good compromise.

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Whoa! Thread pruned! :blink:


To the Gentlemen concerned...


Please don't use this particular thread to solve a dispute. This one is for the discussion of the best springer produced.


If either gentlemen would like to continue, their grievance, could they please use the PM facility or if they'd like a more public rebuttal then could I direct you to the Flame Threads where this form of duelling is conducted. :good:




Chris :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me it has to be the HW95. I love mine to bits. Packs every bit as much of a punch as the legendary HW80, but weighs a hell of a lot less! the BSA lightning is a cracker too, and when i've had a change to use a TX200, I've been very impressed with that too!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Question for the springer users. Why stick to springer over pre-charged?


Is it ease of use and no shot limit or is it a purist thing? Cost? Tradition?


I've shot many springers and precharged over the years and all have varying qualities that would several books but why do you stick to your particular model.


I've shot springers that are as accurate as pre-charged and I have to confess to preferring springer because of the craft in shooting it. Mastering the recoil. Hold over etc... Saying that pre-charged have their place and there are some amazing rifles on the market as we're seeing in other threads.

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