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Best Air Rifle

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shit, that's a difficult one mate! I only have experience with a small amount of rifles - most of the HW range, a few BSAs and a few Air Arms. For me the best I've used is the TX200HC by quite some way. Build quailty is first rate, smooth as you like, bags of punch and with the carbine version, short enough to be used in the cab of a Land Rover.

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shit, that's a difficult one mate! I only have experience with a small amount of rifles - most of the HW range, a few BSAs and a few Air Arms. For me the best I've used is the TX200HC by quite some way. Build quailty is first rate, smooth as you like, bags of punch and with the carbine version, short enough to be used in the cab of a Land Rover.


id have to aggree - the 200 is a fine beast but the 97k is a belter as well


are we sticking soley to springers here - or can we widen it to self contained powerplant such as gas rams and single stroke pneumatics?- that could throw up a few belters as well






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I've got to agree with Stabs on this one (the TX), though my experience is pretty limited ;) . When I get a gun/rifle I make sure it gets some use instead of swapping and changing models. One disappointment with the TX (mine anyway), is that some pitting has appeared on the blued barrel and considering it's only a few months old, that's a poor feckin' do :angry: . Several others have had the same problem. :no:

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The list is endless. A few i,ve owned and loved, Bsa airsporter-s [still got it] webley mk3 [just got it] fwb sport, wheirauch 35, 35export[ :kiss: ] 77, and 80, vulcan,anschutz 335 [the most accurate break barrel ever made imo] tx2oo, and my current one, a pro sport, which is excellent.

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perhaps the rusting is common in airarms cragman as my s400 is going a tad rusty despite being wiped down frequently with napier vp90 gun cleaner and oil.


youre not kidding - read more than enough horror stories on a certain airgun bbs about AA blueing quality - in short - its shite - certainly in recent years anyway.


i suppose popularity and availability of certain models will produce a 'winner' in certain respects - but hearing names like anschutz mentioned its hard to say which would be the 'true' winner


still think the 77/97 series are hard to beat though :good:




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Guest pete evans

ive had bsas, webleys asis etc. the gun that for me was the best was my hw80 closely followed by my hw77. guy i went shooting with had a tx which was probably on a par with the weirauchs but i havnt fired much through one.




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