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We live in the age of bullshite.  If you had 3 lads on your yard and the reporter was coming you would give em some suitable clothes. Some muck boots and a gillet with the yard name on it. Instea

Or the other 28 countries that they passed through,they could of claimed asylum... parents should be charged with child neglect,and sent back to their shithole of origin 👍

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them. See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but it’s an echo chamber i

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Lots of apologist brits who don’t like this country around,seen a few refugee welcome here types,and one Brit who told me the more children killed in Gaza the more radicalised he feels (whatever that means).


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21 hours ago, chartpolski said:

One of yesterday’s new Labour MP’s is 27.

She went to university and got a degree in politics , then worked for a charity and is now an MP.

Can I really have confidence that she is more worldly wise than I am ?

Can I have confidence that she will make decisions based on real life experience ?

Can I have confidence she will not cry and fold when under pressure ?

Maybe I’m just an old cynic ……


I get where you are coming from chartpolski, my brother once said if he saw the name of a nurse with 25 years of front line NHS service on the ballot paper he wouldn't care which party they represented he would vote for them, i agree....however are you prepared to stand for parliament? I'm not! There are people across the political spectrum who see politics as a career choice, who do not have life experience. I would love to see experienced teachers, self made business people, the social worker, a council housing employee, Cornish Trawler man etc ( i think you get where i'm coming from) standing for parliament. ...where are these people, working hard doing what they need to keep job, family and home. Do they want to be politicians?? Probably not. Cheers. Aled 

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On 16/02/2024 at 22:47, chartpolski said:

One of yesterday’s new Labour MP’s is 27.

She went to university and got a degree in politics , then worked for a charity and is now an MP.

Can I really have confidence that she is more worldly wise than I am ?

Can I have confidence that she will make decisions based on real life experience ?

Can I have confidence she will not cry and fold when under pressure ?

Maybe I’m just an old cynic ……


Spot on charts,you think you know everything at 20 ,at 30 you realise you knew Jack siht, 40 you realise the same ,every decade your learning 

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On 17/02/2024 at 18:49, mackem said:

Lots of apologist brits who don’t like this country around,seen a few refugee welcome here types,and one Brit who told me the more children killed in Gaza the more radicalised he feels (whatever that means).


You see half of them here in the image if they are british and not some from over Europe themselves. Are nobody's these that haven't a life. These that sat in the corner at school marching home on an evening after school to get to mummy & daddy sad c**ts. Fucks me off because I've just been reading about a chap earning a crust by fixing bikes on barge. And the canal authorities have told him to packet in lol Honest to God not hurting nobody fixing push irons for people not motorbikes greased up just a basic push rod. 

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