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We live in the age of bullshite.  If you had 3 lads on your yard and the reporter was coming you would give em some suitable clothes. Some muck boots and a gillet with the yard name on it. Instea

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them. See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but it’s an echo chamber i

Or the other 28 countries that they passed through,they could of claimed asylum... parents should be charged with child neglect,and sent back to their shithole of origin 👍

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8 minutes ago, steve66 said:

Kate Addie had a good career out of it 👍

I know she covered loads of war zones Steve,but she is quoted as saying pennywell was a bit much lol.She was born in whitley bay,educated in Newcastle.

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1 minute ago, tatsblisters said:

Apparently the 61 year old Peter Lynch who got two years for holding a placard condemning the government at the manvers migrant hotel protest has committed suicide in prison over the weekend. 


Peter Lynch was jailed for two years and eight months after calling asylum seekers 'child killers'


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2 minutes ago, .357shooter said:

have just watched a clip of the slow invasion speeding up now comming across on large speed boats ffs.something with 4 big bloody motors on the back quick unload and straight back for more.

the price of them is stupidly as well be 100k plus 

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1 hour ago, .357shooter said:

have just watched a clip of the slow invasion speeding up now comming across on large speed boats ffs.something with 4 big bloody motors on the back quick unload and straight back for more.

More than likely a few kilos of the white stuff as well...

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