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We live in the age of bullshite.ย  If you had 3 lads on your yard and the reporter was coming you would give em some suitable clothes. Some muck boots and a gillet with the yard name on it. Instea

Or the other 28 countries that they passed through,they could of claimed asylum... parents should be charged with child neglect,and sent back to their shithole of origin ๐Ÿ‘

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them. See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but itโ€™s an echo chamber i

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See damon Albarn banging on about voting Labour and supporting Palestinian at Glsto yesterday...stupid c**t....

And which band was it in the tent...lead singer wearing a blue demin Ghillie suit...f***ing looked a right melt...they were good mind...forgot there name

Took me a few hours..Kasabianย 

Edited by TOMO
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2 hours ago, Greyman said:



Be great to have gone there with a red trump baseball cap on ...a shirt made up in the Israeli flag....whilst having a reform Rossett on your chest...lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

What the fck, million pound house and benefits for a fckn terrorist


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7 hours ago, Bakerboy said:

What the fck, million pound house and benefits for a fckn terrorist


I'm beginning to think its like some sick test where they are seeing how far they can push the hard working, tax paying, law abiding citizen before they explode with rage. Anyย other explanation just dont make sense!ย 

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53 minutes ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

I'm beginning to think its like some sick test where they are seeing how far they can push the hard working, tax paying, law abiding citizen before they explode with rage. Anyย other explanation just dont make sense!ย 

The answer is they can push as far as they wantย 

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Just now, Lenmcharristar said:

No they cant, although they will try, they will push until the silent majority stick their heads on a pike

I don't see that happening until people are starving. As long as they have food and the illusion of wealth they will do anything not to rock the boat. When immigrants have cut a soldiers head off and blown up kids at a concert...... and the victims of the families have started groups to work towards fighting 'hate' then personally I can't see the people ever saying enough is enoughย 

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58 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

I don't see that happening until people are starving. As long as they have food and the illusion of wealth they will do anything not to rock the boat. When immigrants have cut a soldiers head off and blown up kids at a concert...... and the victims of the families have started groups to work towards fighting 'hate' then personally I can't see the people ever saying enough is enoughย 

Spot on bud the uk population are the most self centred entitled ย bunch of c**ts on this planet .... ย  ย I'm alright jack !!

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7 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Spot on bud the uk population are the most self centred entitled ย bunch of c**ts on this planet .... ย  ย I'm alright jack !!

It's bizarre it really is. Was having a mild conversation about immigration in the pub, nothing remotely racist....this one bloke pipes up "are you against immigration?".... I said no, but we do need to be able to have control over who comes in. He looked at me and says "well then you are a racist". Now this bloke moved to our village because in his own words the local town is a sh*thole. There was genuinely not an ounce of recognition that the town is flooded by Africans and the only white people there are to poor, stupid or on drugs so can't escape like he did. No part of him could recognise the issuesย 

I told him I'm against mass immigration because it was leading to development of countryside.....his answer? "They will never build on Dartmoor", if I like the countryside I could always visit there

Until these people loose everything they will always be unable to see beyond their own comfortable life

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2 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

It's bizarre it really is. Was having a mild conversation about immigration in the pub, nothing remotely racist....this one bloke pipes up "are you against immigration?".... I said no, but we do need to be able to have control over who comes in. He looked at me and says "well then you are a racist". Now this bloke moved to our village because in his own words the local town is a sh*thole. There was genuinely not an ounce of recognition that the town is flooded by Africans and the only white people there are to poor, stupid or on drugs so can't escape like he did. No part of him could recognise the issuesย 

I told him I'm against mass immigration because it was leading to development of countryside.....his answer? "They will never build on Dartmoor", if I like the countryside I could always visit there

Until these people loose everything they will always be unable to see beyond their own comfortable life

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them.

See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but itโ€™s an echo chamber in reality because itโ€™s all ladsย with similar interests and naturally views are broadly similar as wellโ€ฆโ€ฆbut go to any town or city and down those streets it ainโ€™t like thatโ€ฆโ€ฆitโ€™s the bloke next door killing the nation, it ainโ€™t really the darkie getting off the boat because he is just taking advantage of a situation of our own peoples making.

Look at the last election, yes 4 million people voted for Reform but still 20 million voted for that shower of treacherous c**ts in the Red & Blue party and their cheerleaders in the Lib Demsโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Ive had a couple of lads on here dig me out for โ€œslagging off your own people & countryโ€โ€ฆโ€ฆf***ing too right I slag them off, itโ€™s them c**ts doing the damage.ย 

Edited by WILF
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2 hours ago, WILF said:

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them.

See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but itโ€™s an echo chamber in reality because itโ€™s all ladsย with similar interests and naturally views are broadly similar as wellโ€ฆโ€ฆbut go to any town or city and down those streets it ainโ€™t like thatโ€ฆโ€ฆitโ€™s the bloke next door killing the nation, it ainโ€™t really the darkie getting off the boat because he is just taking advantage of a situation of our own peoples making.

Look at the last election, yes 4 million people voted for Reform but still 20 million voted for that shower of treacherous c**ts in the Red & Blue party and their cheerleaders in the Lib Demsโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Ive had a couple of lads on here dig me out for โ€œslagging off your own people & countryโ€โ€ฆโ€ฆf***ing too right I slag them off, itโ€™s them c**ts doing the damage.ย 

Bang on the money again mate. My 12 year old grandson got in a scuffel at school the other week with an African immigrant kid his age and the African kid bit a chunk out of him causing him to have to go to hospital for a tetanus and antibiotics and the school have done feckall really about it bar inform his parents who said they will punish him by making him read parts of the bible ffs. I know if it had been my grandson that had bit a chunk out of the African kid he would have been exspelled no doubt.ย 

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2 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Bang on the money again mate. My 12 year old grandson got in a scuffel at school the other week with an African immigrant kid his age and the African kid bit a chunk out of him causing him to have to go to hospital for a tetanus and antibiotics and the school have done feckall really about it bar inform his parents who said they will punish him by making him read parts of the bible ffs. I know if it had been my grandson that had bit a chunk out of the African kid he would have been exspelled no doubt.ย 

Thats f***ing nutts....my lad had a fight few months back with one,down the skate park on our little estate..and the dirty fuckers older sister bit my ladย  when she couldn't pull him off him..my daughterย  then hit f**k out of the scruffy cnut...biting and spitting are the f***ing lowest...this country is going backwards,at a rate of knots,I hope your grandsons ok and not fazed by it๐Ÿ‘

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3 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Bang on the money again mate. My 12 year old grandson got in a scuffel at school the other week with an African immigrant kid his age and the African kid bit a chunk out of him causing him to have to go to hospital for a tetanus and antibiotics and the school have done feckall really about it bar inform his parents who said they will punish him by making him read parts of the bible ffs. I know if it had been my grandson that had bit a chunk out of the African kid he would have been exspelled no doubt.ย 

To be fair he'd still need the tetanus and antibiotics.

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3 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Bang on the money again mate. My 12 year old grandson got in a scuffel at school the other week with an African immigrant kid his age and the African kid bit a chunk out of him causing him to have to go to hospital for a tetanus and antibiotics and the school have done feckall really about it bar inform his parents who said they will punish him by making him read parts of the bible ffs. I know if it had been my grandson that had bit a chunk out of the African kid he would have been exspelled no doubt.ย 

My 5yo grandson and 4yo grand daughter have been doing mixed marshal arts now for about a year got to learn how to eliminate the threats all my kids done kick boxing from an early age boys and girls and all had a few fights in the ring I would rather they got slung out of school than became victims to bullyโ€™s worlds a changing place and not for the best mate hope the little mans ok

Edited by Greyman
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