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1 hour ago, Borr said:

I listened to radio 4 again on my trek home, lots of different people from all over, quite interesting. Life long Tories who won't vote in election, staunch labour lady who says labour isn't socialist enough and won't vote, posh bird pleading for sunak his amazing leadership and how he's fixing the economy and how well he's done with northern Ireland. Others who planned to vote reform but because the candidates lack political experience will stick to Tory, others will vote lab Tory if they feel MP is decent, others wanting labour to change stance on Gaza to regain lost Muslim votes, lots will be voting green party...

It did amaze me that these seemingly ordinary folk, some of  their priorities were purely climate change or potholes. Some had conceded that our country is in ruins , NHS and social care , all being given mayors which public didn't ask for. 

I'd be happy if we changed 'first past the post' to make it a more democratic system. Then I hear khan is getting back in , and think wtf. I wouldn't trust our own populace. I don't see a way back tbh, I see labour getting in , I think they may try and cosy up to EU , I think migration legal and illegal will increase, I think they increase all the benefits, and carry on with status quo , placating Muslims along the way ... I guess sunak will go for a slow death and stay in for another 8months....

I’m sure the ethnics are feeling pretty good about being elevated to levels in a society that isn’t ultimately their own, amongst those ethnics will be many, many nice decent people…..and if I was them I’d be very vocal about what’s happening to the indigenous British and European man because if a storm breaks, just like Germany, everyone will get swept away in the flood.

There won’t be time or space or sympathy to sort the wheat from the chaff, the blood will be the enemy and they will all have to go……you see here even on this thread nice, decent family men type lads who are advocating for the terrible because they just can’t see any other way.

Most lads don’t want to feel like that but that is how they have been made to feel……what’s happening is dangerous for everyone. 

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We live in the age of bullshite.  If you had 3 lads on your yard and the reporter was coming you would give em some suitable clothes. Some muck boots and a gillet with the yard name on it. Instea

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them. See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but it’s an echo chamber i

Or the other 28 countries that they passed through,they could of claimed asylum... parents should be charged with child neglect,and sent back to their shithole of origin 👍

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9 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

Been working around the  Prestbury/Mill Lane area and the Race course,last few months...you see groups of Damilola Taylor, looking mother fuckers dragging suitcases everywhere...even been stopped myself and asked if I knew of somewhere for them to stay🙄 whole country is f****d pal,They are wandering around the countryside,looking lost and confused...just like them town foxes the antis drop out in groups ...better to cull the cnuts,than make them someone elses problem 👍

Are they cutting about with the wee metrosexual suitcases on wheels with the extendable flimsy handles?

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4 hours ago, Lenmcharristar said:

What needs to happen is a northern ireland solution to the problem, or mafia style with a strict code of conduct, eliminating drug users, boozers, dealer types from joining the ranks, the militias need strict training and a ruthless hand enforcing the law of the code to the breakers, after that you need to operate in cells all over the nation all operating to achieve an end goal but trained to think independantly, train them on how to use weapons, keep calm in high pressure environments, do hits, get rid of evidence, plan for all eventualities whilst in an operation incase it goes a bit wayword, then when theres enough onboard start clensing the nation of the invading hoardes, start right at the top of the tree by holding those accountable who have sponsored this invasion, right down to the lifeboat service whos transporting these invaders from french waters, close down all the charities onboard this people trafficking regime, make sure that the public know if they help the invaders they will be dealt with and cull the traitors, put the heads on tower bridge like they used too, but you need to operate with stealth so nobody knows whos involved and keep them 2nd guessing themselves, also to be taken out is drug dealers, pedos, sex offenders and other scum of society, now does anybody in here think they could do it? 
if carlsberg done patriotism. Seems bad but how bad does it need to go before this type of solution is put into practice? Answers on a postcard





































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So in Michigan (in america) the lefty woke wankers/lgbtq weirdos ect decided they would support and vote in muslim candidates to office, who promptly banned the flying of the gay pride flags...lol. Stupid c@nts

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Apparently the new incoming derry mayor has gotten death threats,the two other candidates from the sdlp have resigned,if tagged the leader of the sdlp an told him what I thought,f***ing clown,alot of people not happy about this

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" To achieve world government , it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, there individualism, loyalty to the family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisholm ( 1st director general of the world health organization. 1948-1953 . 

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2 minutes ago, paul sr said:

" To achieve world government , it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, there individualism, loyalty to the family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisholm ( 1st director general of the world health organization. 1948-1953 . 

The w.h.o are about to take control of most of the countries in the world with there pandemic treaty an barely anyway one cares,well get what we deserve mate

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It comes after  hundreds of people who were living in tents in Dublin were moved to two accommodation...

Our lovely hot spots to relax on a nice Sunday morning ffs. It just gets better guys. Not only do they take our hotels they take our areas too. Can you imagine an old couple that used to take a stroll around the canal.  They won't go no more. Or a woman jogging on her own. 

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It was yet another eye-opening experience of Birmingham's homelessness crisis

 Would this be up if it was a English man homeless living with partner on a roundabout ? No would it f**k. The man's been in Jail for assault too. Well you can't call him a man. A f***ing man stays in his own country & makes something for himself. Unless you up sticks & move away for work. Not like these that are coming over to free ride our benefit system & cry some shite to the home office. Look at the state of him he looks Rangooned not all there on image. Alot are like this with the inbreeding over there. That's why they all look like each other. Goverment will struggle like f**k because of this. When they came over. They should have pin pricked the finger blood sample or hair which ever then logged it down photo taken health tested too. But the blood or hair sample just incase they claim to be someone else when caught again to deport. The goverment are walking around with the blinkers on most of the country intact too. I'm hoping we kick off in Britain like Ireland because I'm guna be one of them on the line. I really thought alot of the younger generation would of stepped up. 

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47 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:

It comes after  hundreds of people who were living in tents in Dublin were moved to two accommodation...

Our lovely hot spots to relax on a nice Sunday morning ffs. It just gets better guys. Not only do they take our hotels they take our areas too. Can you imagine an old couple that used to take a stroll around the canal.  They won't go no more. Or a woman jogging on her own. 

Well that old couple or that lone woman needs to start voting for people who would do something about it. They need to stop using the paki shop, taxis, Turkish barbers, car washes etc and telling their family and friends to stop as well.

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By Susanne Delaney (Suzie D)

A very reliable and trusted contact of #TheIrishInquiry (and well known activist in the West of Ireland) was informed by a member of An Garda Síochána that Special branch detectives investigated attendees of the mosque attended by killer Yousef Palani. The investigation occurred because Palani DID have terrorist links and it transpired that some KNEW about Palanai's links.

Some were ALSO aware of his plans but failed to report what they knew to Gardaí. Palani had bragged about his intentions to murder (specifically Irish) gay men. It was reported after the murders that subsequent to the torture, castration and beheading of Michael Snee and Aidan Moffitt, Palani cleaned blood from himself, changed clothes and visited his mosque for prayers. 

Not long after we received the aforementioned information regarding Special Branch, a Sligo resident informed us that Gardaí had visited an Islamic centre, the purpose of which was a recruitment drive to encourage members of the Muslim community to join An Garda Síochána. This was the closest Mosque to Palanai's home geographically.

We cannot say what the outcome of investigations by Special Branch were and we doubt the state will be in any hurry to let the public know. 

Palani was pathologically homophobic, employed the use of  an Islamic terrorist Modus Operandi said his religion did not tolerate homosexuality. Yet publicly Gardaí have denied his murder was linked to terrorism. He also stabbed a third man in the eye and would certainly have killed him had Anthony Burke not sensed danger and left the scene before he could be restrained. 

Palani claimed he had a list of 12 men he was going to target and said he wanted 100 percent Irish victims. Planai was jailed for two murders (and had free legal aid to the tune of €700,000), but was only found guilty of serious assault  relation Anthony Burke, rather than attempted murder.

@VirginMediaNews "interviewed" Mr. Burke using gay presenter@PaulQuinnNews, carefully managing the victims response by only asking questions that would not touch upon Palani being a muslim immigrant with possible terrorist links and motivations. 

The LGBTQ community and @sinnfeinireland stood in solidarity with Imam @DoctorUmarAlQadri after the Sligo murders and the press reported Palani as a Sligo boy. Al Qadri was later exposed (in a video posted by a gay muslim mosque goer) for having made deeply homophobic comments and for implying the men payed a price for their personal choices and sexuality.

A video we did on Al Qadri (including his comments) can be listened to here: 

We have written many articles  about Palani, and highlighted @RuthCoppingerSP attempt to blame Irish people and Irish culture for Palani's savage brutality.. See here...

(*since this article it has emerged the amount was €350,000).






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1 hour ago, Bangersanmash said:

It comes after  hundreds of people who were living in tents in Dublin were moved to two accommodation...

Our lovely hot spots to relax on a nice Sunday morning ffs. It just gets better guys. Not only do they take our hotels they take our areas too. Can you imagine an old couple that used to take a stroll around the canal.  They won't go no more. Or a woman jogging on her own. 

That’s happening all over Europe,tent cities springing up,Paris is like a camping site.I took this pic in London where regents street hits picadilly.


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6 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

Well that old couple or that lone woman needs to start voting for people who would do something about it. They need to stop using the paki shop, taxis, Turkish barbers, car washes etc and telling their family and friends to stop as well.

A can't see an old couple using a Turkish barbers mate. My grandmother cuts my grandfathers hair lol. He's a right tight b*****ds. If he knew how much these fuckers charge and can't cut hair at all. How many I see come in local boozer with jar head hair cuts  right past the f***ing told crown 😆.  13 quid for sumat I could do better. I'm glad I'm a bald c**t. 

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