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We live in the age of bullshite.  If you had 3 lads on your yard and the reporter was coming you would give em some suitable clothes. Some muck boots and a gillet with the yard name on it. Instea

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them. See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but it’s an echo chamber i

Or the other 28 countries that they passed through,they could of claimed asylum... parents should be charged with child neglect,and sent back to their shithole of origin 👍

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While the HJS poll is worrying, it shouldn’t be surprising.

If you asked Coptic Christians in Egypt if Christianity should be the national religion they would say yes.

If you asked Buddhists in Burma if Buddhism should be the national religion they would say yes.

If you asked the Uighirs in China if Islam should be the national religion they would say yes.

So the poll doesn’t tell us what we don’t already know, the only thing that surprises me is the results weren’t bigger !


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25 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

While the HJS poll is worrying, it shouldn’t be surprising.

If you asked Coptic Christians in Egypt if Christianity should be the national religion they would say yes.

If you asked Buddhists in Burma if Buddhism should be the national religion they would say yes.

If you asked the Uighirs in China if Islam should be the national religion they would say yes.

So the poll doesn’t tell us what we don’t already know, the only thing that surprises me is the results weren’t bigger !


Get what your saying mate but the Uighirs and the Coptic Christians are both being persecuted for their religion and the Buddhists havent got the best track record for embracing other religion's either. We on the other hand are inviting Islam and its beliefs in this country whilst openly being told of the long term intentions.   

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2 minutes ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

Get what your saying mate but the Uighirs and the Coptic Christians are both being persecuted for their religion and the Buddhists havent got the best track record for embracing other religion's either. We on the other hand are inviting Islam and its beliefs in this country whilst openly being told of the long term intentions.   

I agree, my point is if you ask anyone an obvious question, you’ll get an obvious answer.

If you asked British druids if paganism should be the national religion, don’t be surprised  by the answer !



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20 hours ago, chartpolski said:

I agree, my point is if you ask anyone an obvious question, you’ll get an obvious answer.

If you asked British druids if paganism should be the national religion, don’t be surprised  by the answer !



Your not mentioning the other results 

• Almost half of British Muslims say Jews have too much power over UK government policy, with similar numbers thinking the same for US foreign policy.


• British Muslims are more likely to have a positive than a negative view of Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK.


• Nearly half of British Muslims would back the removal of an MP if they took a different stance on Israel/Palestine to them.


• 52% want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.


• 32% of British Muslims favour the implementation of Sharia Law, and the same number the declaration of Islam as national religion.


• Extreme views were generally more likely to be found in the youngest age cohort of 18-34, among graduates of all ages (as opposed to non-graduates) and British born rather foreign born Muslims, suggesting British integration policy is failing and needs urgent revision.

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2 minutes ago, paulus said:

Your not mentioning the other results 

• Almost half of British Muslims say Jews have too much power over UK government policy, with similar numbers thinking the same for US foreign policy.


• British Muslims are more likely to have a positive than a negative view of Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK.


• Nearly half of British Muslims would back the removal of an MP if they took a different stance on Israel/Palestine to them.


• 52% want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.


• 32% of British Muslims favour the implementation of Sharia Law, and the same number the declaration of Islam as national religion.


• Extreme views were generally more likely to be found in the youngest age cohort of 18-34, among graduates of all ages (as opposed to non-graduates) and British born rather foreign born Muslims, suggesting British integration policy is failing and needs urgent revision.

The full report can be read here


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37 minutes ago, paulus said:

I’m just surprised  anyone is surprised by the results.

It didn’t need a poll or investigation to see this, it’s on the news every day, Blair started this with his “multiculturalism “ and now the politicians are too scared of being call “racist” or “islamiphobic” to do anything about it.


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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

I’m just surprised  anyone is surprised by the results.

It didn’t need a poll or investigation to see this, it’s on the news every day, Blair started this with his “multiculturalism “ and now the politicians are too scared of being call “racist” or “islamiphobic” to do anything about it.


I think the most concerning findings in this poll are.

Second Generation Muslims appear to be more radicalised than there parents.

Graduate Muslims appear to be more radicalised than others of the same age group.

Blair and a few others should have been tried and hung over what they have caused. 

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3 minutes ago, paulus said:

I think the most concerning findings in this poll are.

Second Generation Muslims appear to be more radicalised than there parents.

Graduate Muslims appear to be more radicalised than others of the same age group.

Blair and a few others should have been tried and hung over what they have caused. 

Agreed 100%

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There has been a president number of stabbings this last week in Sheffield and no surprises what areas they have happened in and still certain organisations will not accept the reality of what more immigration from certain cultures are bringing to the city especially when middle class lefty nutcases on the council and such like have named and deemed it the city of sanctuary. 

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In fairness, none of this takes a study or a scientific investigation……in fact it’s been the the working classes, your meat porter, street sweeper, miner, welder, market trader, council worker who have been saying for 60 or 70 years that we will be undermined by importing the 3rd world.

It was “educated” people who made the policy and encouraged it so it’s a bit rich for educated people now to tell us what we have been telling them for years. 

The emperor don’t have any f***ing clothes on !…..yeah, we know !

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Well France listened to the votes going towards le'pen , and standing up against Muslim extremism and ideology was the only way to stop the far right, lets face it half of france had a viche mindset....

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

In fairness, none of this takes a study or a scientific investigation……in fact it’s been the the working classes, your meat porter, street sweeper, miner, welder, market trader, council worker who have been saying for 60 or 70 years that we will be undermined by importing the 3rd world.

It was “educated” people who made the policy and encouraged it so it’s a bit rich for educated people now to tell us what we have been telling them for years. 

The emperor don’t have any f***ing clothes on !…..yeah, we know !

I get that but the more studies, investigations reports and podcasts produced and publicised telling the wider public of these issues is all the better in my book. 

I'm listening to one of Tommy Robinsons podcasts at the moment on Rumble with Momus Najmi his honesty regarding Islam is refreshing and explains so much. Link below if anyone is interested 

 Episode 31 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Momus Najmi (rumble.com)

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