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We live in the age of bullshite.  If you had 3 lads on your yard and the reporter was coming you would give em some suitable clothes. Some muck boots and a gillet with the yard name on it. Instea

I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them. See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but it’s an echo chamber i

Or the other 28 countries that they passed through,they could of claimed asylum... parents should be charged with child neglect,and sent back to their shithole of origin 👍

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12 minutes ago, mackem said:

Nigel straight to the point,no politicians verbosity just saying it as it is.

To right mate. No beating around the Bush...

And to think upto 1000 a day mid summer are coming in..in rubber dingies..

Crazy times over the next decade or two.. 

They will all rise 1 day and then we are doomed...


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Just now, king said:

To right mate. No beating around the Bush...

And to think upto 1000 a day mid summer are coming in..in rubber dingies..

Crazy times over the next decade or two.. 

They will all rise 1 day and then we are doomed...

UK has gone past the tipping point mate,no need for a rising up by the soldiers of Islam,they have been allowed to invade softly,they are being shifted around the country after they land uninvited,given food,shelter,education,cash even start-up business loans,small wonder the UK is viewed as a soft touch.


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24 minutes ago, mackem said:

UK has gone past the tipping point mate,no need for a rising up by the soldiers of Islam,they have been allowed to invade softly,they are being shifted around the country after they land uninvited,given food,shelter,education,cash even start-up business loans,small wonder the UK is viewed as a soft touch.


" Police search for hamas supporters "...theres a 100 fckng thousand stood in front of them

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3 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

" Police search for hamas supporters "...theres a 100 fckng thousand stood in front of them

you can’t fault em they stick together and fight for there beliefs 

look at the englishman lol ffs pathetic 

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A don't see how the UN have a say so on how many migrants we take here in the UK. It's like we haven't got a say in how many or not so many we want in our country. A seen this on a news thread. Saying why don't we have a say? This many moons back us getting out of the EU didn't do shit. Lol A can remember every one voting thinking this will be great for England in many ways. But then many realised its f****d us up even more. Specially with the sea fishing industry. 

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9 hours ago, mC HULL said:

you can’t fault em they stick together and fight for there beliefs 

look at the englishman lol ffs pathetic 

It's true what you say it's the goverments fault. But a was telling the misses. You imagine now all these migrants around the east coast. Once they have stayed there welcome in these hotels and don't have anywhere to go.  And around Scarborough there's loads of carvan sites " That in the winter months most of the carvans will be left unattended " So that's guna bring unwanted attention straight away to the carvan sites. You've got reighton sands , blue dolfin , cayton Bay,  primrose Valley. Crows nest and a few more all in 5 mile of Scarborough. What would you do if you was homeless & Was told that these carvans were left unattended over winter. ? I've noticed that most carvans on this site now are taking there possession out over the winter months which a don't blame them. A said it's okay when you could be down at entertainment on an evening and you've got these scummy b*****ds maybe breaking into your carvans or touting vehicle. No doubt this has already happened. Some simpleton leaving his car keys in carvan and come back to motor gone. Times are going to get worse. Soon as the goverment stops the funding that will be it 

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1 hour ago, Bangersanmash said:

It's true what you say it's the goverments fault. But a was telling the misses. You imagine now all these migrants around the east coast. Once they have stayed there welcome in these hotels and don't have anywhere to go.  And around Scarborough there's loads of carvan sites " That in the winter months most of the carvans will be left unattended " So that's guna bring unwanted attention straight away to the carvan sites. You've got reighton sands , blue dolfin , cayton Bay,  primrose Valley. Crows nest and a few more all in 5 mile of Scarborough. What would you do if you was homeless & Was told that these carvans were left unattended over winter. ? I've noticed that most carvans on this site now are taking there possession out over the winter months which a don't blame them. A said it's okay when you could be down at entertainment on an evening and you've got these scummy b*****ds maybe breaking into your carvans or touting vehicle. No doubt this has already happened. Some simpleton leaving his car keys in carvan and come back to motor gone. Times are going to get worse. Soon as the goverment stops the funding that will be it 

it’s not the governments fault mate they have and will always be treacherous it’s the british man’s fault for been so f***ing pathetic and letting it happen the british man is like a kept women scared to upset the apple cart no backbone 

if the pakistan government started repopulating pakistan with the white man there population would go to war for as long as it took to put an end to it 

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