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Updated pics of young cattle dog x

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3 hours ago, OldPhil said:

🤔I wouldn't worry too much about diets and suchlike,....a young work dog needs all the good grub that you can get into it....👍

Facts are,.with certain hybrids,...some in a litter will often throw chunky, its just the way it goes, and nothing will turn a cloddy type into a sleek gazehound....😉

When folks choose to keep such crossbred curs,..they had best keep this firmly in mind, and fully realise, the physical limitations of their charges....





percent agree phil I wanted a complete change of direction regarding the type I want to work wit now so defo don’t want to try turn him into a rocket ship 🚀 my last runner was a full on running machine that took a lot of getting fit and even harder to keep fit 



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9 hours ago, bird said:

how would that work then ? just curious  how it be done. never had any dog like that, the only breeds i know that eat for England  are fooken Labs, there greedy animals . how much you feeding the dog, maybe it  not getting enough , so wolfs it down  just thought. plus  acd dogs in pure form are small stocky dogs anyway , even if sighthound  ion the acd prob strong gene , all my lurchers eat  fairly quick when younger, but slowed up as they got older .!  


8 hours ago, Deerhunter1 said:

There’s a picture of the dog above it’s definitely not underfed, some sighthounds can be as greedy as any other breed I’ve seen greyhounds & whippets that would nearly knock their front teeth out they went in to a food bowl that fast

Owned a staff once, that would eat a pound of food in easily less than 10 seconds.

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19 hours ago, bird said:

how would that work then ? just curious  how it be done. never had any dog like that, the only breeds i know that eat for England  are fooken Labs, there greedy animals . how much you feeding the dog, maybe it  not getting enough , so wolfs it down  just thought. plus  acd dogs in pure form are small stocky dogs anyway , even if sighthound  ion the acd prob strong gene , all my lurchers eat  fairly quick when younger, but slowed up as they got older .!  

As described it has raised bits in the dog bowl that prevent them gulping  food 

She eats that fast that she wretcheing afterwards she can cause damage to her self I stand with her to stop her 

She is 21kg 7 months old she gets plenty of scran rather have her fat than a skinny shivering shite 

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20 hours ago, bird said:

how would that work then ? just curious  how it be done. never had any dog like that, the only breeds i know that eat for England  are fooken Labs, there greedy animals . how much you feeding the dog, maybe it  not getting enough , so wolfs it down  just thought. plus  acd dogs in pure form are small stocky dogs anyway , even if sighthound  ion the acd prob strong gene , all my lurchers eat  fairly quick when younger, but slowed up as they got older .!  

As described it has raised bits in the dog bowl that prevent them gulping  food 

She eats that fast that she wretcheing afterwards she can cause damage to her self I stand with her to stop her 

She is 21kg 7 months old she gets plenty of scran rather have her fat than a skinny shivering shite 

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12 hours ago, taffey said:


percent agree phil I wanted a complete change of direction regarding the type I want to work wit now so defo don’t want to try turn him into a rocket ship 🚀 my last runner was a full on running machine that took a lot of getting fit and even harder to keep fit 



Fine looking beast that 

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4 hours ago, ferretgirl29 said:

As described it has raised bits in the dog bowl that prevent them gulping  food 

She eats that fast that she wretcheing afterwards she can cause damage to her self I stand with her to stop her 

She is 21kg 7 months old she gets plenty of scran rather have her fat than a skinny shivering shite 

Tried one with my spaniel she soon worked out if she knocked the bowl over she could wolf it down again 🙄.

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