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Bigfoot filmed in Colorado.

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Having a look now mate.  I love watching them.

I remember living in London in 69. Me and my mate were seriously broke and umeployed.  The  Hare Krishnsa crew came by begging and my mate grabbed his begging tin and said " we need this more than you ya c**t" and when the lad tried to grab his tin back ,he nutted him and squashed his nose.

I did not applaud or condone his thuggish behaviour. But I admit I enjoyed a three course dinner in an Irish cafe in Kilburn on the proceeds.Lol This cafe used to specialise in old fashioned Irish stew, bread and butter pudding and a bottle of guiness. Good old Hare Krishna.

I'll get my coat.



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I watched a programme on Bigfoot years ago and it was very real to the occupants of a small western town in America. There had been many sightings and people had become so fearful of it that some had

Some people slow on the uptake on here. Greyman obviously crossed the Atlantic on his houseboat and thats him laying camera traps for big cats. He's had no luck here, so he's trying his luck out there

That's the same walk I do when I'm putting out the Christmas stockings

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1 minute ago, jukel123 said:

Irish cafe in Kilburn 

I used to go to McGinleys an Irish pub in Kilburn to get my wages check cashed,the good old days.

Quiboloy has fallen out of favour since I used to watch him,the states might want to extradite him for sex-trafficking and a bit of money laundering.


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17 minutes ago, mackem said:

This time next year Jukel…….


Ha ha, brilliant I've watched those snake oil salesmen a few times. Only in America. Lol

But there again, are  the mainstream churches  any diffrent? When I was a kid I was an enthusiastic  Catholic altar boy. I believed it all .....hook line and sinker. Even when the Irish priest used to come in pissed up. He used to bollock the congregation to give ten per cent of their income to the church....the papa had ordered it. He used to get really angry and say " I want to hear the rustle of paper in the collecting box. NOT ! the chinking of coins" The congregation used to f****n cower.

I only started to smell a rat when my best mate told me he used to visit his house and assault his mam by rubbing her tits when she was helping him on and off with his coat.

Then I  had the misfortune to pass my eleven plus and went to a posh secondary school where I was taught by monks. f****n violent psychos the lot, with a fair few paeodos. 

Damn good earner though religions..tax breaks as well. I'm working on starting my own. Fancy a bishops job?



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Here's another story. I once got a lift late at night by a farmer. He lett me kip in his house..no ransom of any kind. We stayed up late drinking and he said " if you want to make real money in life son don't do anything useful. He said "I sell meat and eggs.  And work all hours, 52 weeks. My brother is worth ten times more than me and sells crap like lemonade, candy floss and ice cream. People  will pay a fortune for that.

I've never forgotten that. It's true,anything which helps people get out of the real world for a moment earns top dollar. But you already know that Mac. Lol

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1 minute ago, jukel123 said:

Ha ha, brilliant I've watched those snake oil salesmen a few times. Only in America. Lol

But there again, are  the mainstream churches  any diffrent? When I was a kid I was an enthusiastic  Catholic altar boy. I believed it all .....hook line and sinker. Even when the Irish priest used to come in pissed up. He used to bollock the congregation to give ten per cent of their income to the church....the papa had ordered it. He used to get really angry and say " I want to hear the rustle of paper in the collecting box. NOT ! the chinking of coins" The congregation used to f****n cower.

I only started to smell a rat when my best mate told me he used to visit his house and assault his mam by rubbing her tits when she wad helping him on and off with his coat.

Then I  had the misfortune to pass my eleven plus and went to a posh secondary school where I was taught by monks. f****n violent psychos the lot, with a fair few paeodos. 

Dsmn good earner though religions..tax breaks you. I'm working on starting my own. Fancy a bishops job?

I used to live in the Philippines,shit poor country of dog-eaters and Catholicism,the fattest people in the country were the priests,Duterte the president of death himself was molested by a priest,it was hot one day so I popped into a church for the aircon,I sat right at the back and relaxed in the coolness.A service was on,the congregation listened to the priest then during the interval a collection,then more words then another collection,then biblical singing and a final collection from people who really couldn’t afford it,you just need keywords such as Lear-jet Mansion and Safety Deposit Box,this time next year Jukel if you can just polish your act……


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3 minutes ago, mackem said:

I used to live in the Philippines,shit poor country of dog-eaters and Catholicism,the fattest people in the country were the priests,Duterte the president of death himself was molested by a priest,it was hot one day so I popped into a church for the aircon,I sat right at the back and relaxed in the coolness.A service was on,the congregation listened to the priest then during the interval a collection,then more words then another collection,then biblical singing and a final collection from people who really couldn’t afford it,you just need keywords such as Lear-jet Mansion and Safety Deposit Box,this time next year Jukel if you can just polish your act……


He does an act where he blows over sinners or the possessed or something related. He's not even good.I could do a much better job of fleecing people.

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1 minute ago, mackem said:

I try my best Jukel 58CAF52B-B69D-47F7-ABE6-F14A87E4947B.gif.46d542a6d6a083b40bb958868579209c.gif

You're not doing any harm mate and probably a lot of good. It's the  tobacco Baron suitmen which bug me. They should be in jail instead of being knighted and feted. Mass murderers.

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14 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

You're not doing any harm mate and probably a lot of good. It's the  tobacco Baron suitmen which bug me. They should be in jail instead of being knighted and feted. Mass murderers.

Long since retired from the 9-5 nowadays Jukel,just do a little work here and there to keep my eye in,you know how it is,but the game itself continues.

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9 hours ago, low plains drifter said:

That's the Cheviot Yeti, and no mistake 

Silly sod will have gotten lost again, I hear he's trying to hitch hike to Oregon for Chrimbo

No need to go to Oregon bro,Neil Young in Northumberland,they are out there……..



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