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Theres just no hope 😱

If we had historically “kept our noses out” we would still be running around with wode on our faces…..we are a nation founded on conquest and piracy and basically nicking the other blokes stuff becaus

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From what I've seen of the day it looks like it was pretty peaceful,  certainly more peaceful than what I've seen at the previous pro Hamas marches,  not that it will be painted that way by the media. 

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26 minutes ago, Tesla said:

So, basically, a protest in the name of peace has triggered a few plastic patriots who decided to kick off with the police over nothing.

That just about sums it up.

Or perhaps the presence of the plastic patriots as you call them dissuaded your pals from trying anything.

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44 minutes ago, mackay said:

Or perhaps the presence of the plastic patriots as you call them dissuaded your pals from trying anything.

I don’t suppose so, when the opposition is hanging themselves…..let them do it. 

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I just had a quick look, guess what all the headlines are ?

Well, let me start by telling you what they ain’t……they ain’t “Muslims Pro Hamas supporters run riot in our capital and desecrate our memorial to our dead”

No, what they are is “Drunken far right thugs clash with police by the cenotaph and 92 of them are arrested”

I bet that really won a load more people over to the cause of nationalism !…..reckon they will be voting for their local nationalist candidate ?…..nah, me neither ! 

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7 minutes ago, WILF said:

I just had a quick look, guess what all the headlines are ?

Well, let me start by telling you what they ain’t……they ain’t “Muslims Pro Hamas supporters run riot in our capital and desecrate our memorial to our dead”

No, what they are is “Drunken far right thugs clash with police by the cenotaph and 92 of them are arrested”

I bet that really won a load more people over to the cause of nationalism !…..reckon they will be voting for their local nationalist candidate ?…..nah, me neither ! 

You called that one right, bang on ! Sad tho , the opposition played a good game ,will get all the glory ,still tomorrow, but guessing it'll go the same way ! 

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Just now, waltjnr said:

You called that one right, bang on ! Sad tho , the opposition played a good game ,will get all the glory ,still tomorrow, but guessing it'll go the same way ! 

There was plenty of chanting "From the river to the sea" Again ignored by the police, Flares being lit, Again ignored by the police. But i agree with WILF we certainly did give them the loaded gun, 

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The Met police say 300,000 attended the pro hamas march organised by Former Hamas Chief Muhammad Kathem Sawalha and the anti Israeli organisation and Hamas sympathisers Friends of al-Aqsa.

The Guardian are claiming 800,000 lol

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27 minutes ago, WILF said:

I just had a quick look, guess what all the headlines are ?

Well, let me start by telling you what they ain’t……they ain’t “Muslims Pro Hamas supporters run riot in our capital and desecrate our memorial to our dead”

No, what they are is “Drunken far right thugs clash with police by the cenotaph and 92 of them are arrested”

I bet that really won a load more people over to the cause of nationalism !…..reckon they will be voting for their local nationalist candidate ?…..nah, me neither ! 

Also shows its being funded and comes from higher up, these same peoples protest at every one going, they are the rentamob, follow the money and youll catch the perpetrators 

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20 minutes ago, waltjnr said:

Worrying times ,and I don't see a way out  ,all to late ,they are running the gaff now

I don’t think it’s too late mate, history teaches us that it’s never too late……but if we keep doing the same shit then we will keep loosing !

Until nationalists get aligned and get a few people who understand the game they are playing and how to play it then we will always be snapping at the knife that butchers us ! 

This don’t get won with people that can be easily labelled bare faced racists or football lads, it gets won with smart suits and people who look like your doctor using all the weapons that get used against us against them !

It gets won with carefully crafted story’s and images and messages lots of people can get behind and still feel safe that they ain’t “a racist”

Its gets won by the Trojan horse of including the tribes in your plan for a brighter more sensible future and we can deal with them once in power ! 

f**k me, it’s not even clever, it’s all been done before…..

And, if we want a modern role model just look to the AfD.

Just f***ing does me in ! 

Edited by WILF
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3 minutes ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Also shows its being funded and comes from higher up, these same peoples protest at every one going, they are the rentamob, follow the money and youll catch the perpetrators 

The money will follow whatever it thinks is the best investment and that means whoever is winning…..if we looked like we were winning they would be backing us.

jmho of course mate.

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Do these protestors not think about what they are protesting for?. Hamas was voted in democratically by the Palestinian people back in the early part of 2000, They promptly killed all opposition leaders, They have vowed to obliterate the Jewish Nation.

If this was about peace why are the protestors not caring both Palestinians and Israeli flags? 

The Israeli's have proved that Hamas is using Hospitals, Schools and other public building as there bases, 

I can only conclude that the Palestinian people support Hamas in the agenda to Wipe out the Jewish nation. How would a two state solution work given this situation? 

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