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Theres just no hope 😱

If we had historically “kept our noses out” we would still be running around with wode on our faces…..we are a nation founded on conquest and piracy and basically nicking the other blokes stuff becaus

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  On 13/11/2023 at 09:50, WILF said:

I have never advocated that, I believe we should treasure the uniqueness of each place and each race, that they should be helped to thrive in their ancestral homes, not encouraged to leave them and in so doing leave their society’s bereft of generations of people that should be in place helping to build the place up.

Rich western society’s should not be stealing essential people from weak country’s that need all the help they can get.

A much better outcome to preserve this rich tapestry called planet earth. 

Its you that supports robbing country’s of generations of people and letting them indulge in attacks and killing.

I don’t want to hurt anyone and I don’t want the conditions created where by people feel they have to do that.

I’m sure people would prefer my ideas for peace and prosperity  rather than your tried and failed ideas that have bought us constant war and poverty. 


Asmittedly im a bit worse for wear but thats the best post ive seen on here in a long time regards all the race/religion/war stuff......just simple common sense go's a long way.

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  On 18/11/2023 at 18:00, gnasher16 said:

Just out of curiosity mate why are you not for Ethnic Nationalism do you not think we are up to it as a group ?

What do we " need " from other ethnicities that we cannot/couldnt do for ourselves ?

Not digging you out,just interested :thumbs:



I suppose I don't see the world as a simple place anymore,  it would be nice if was but it isn't, nor do I just see people solely by their ethnicity , I dislike ideology not people so why fish from a small pond where talent that can boost the UK is concerned,  I suppose a bit like football,  the big teams want the world's best to keep them at the top .

But we haven't done that, infact we have done the opposite, we went the low-grade route for the best part, unchecked and poorly regulated and I see this as realistically fixable. 

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  On 14/11/2023 at 18:32, mackem said:

I talk like this in the UK,missus is Canadian,sitting in Tim hortons in Ottawa general hospital drinking coffee at the minute,signage is all bilingual.





Look up the Ottawa High Hookers....nothing to do with language or politics but will certainly put an inch on your biceps 😆

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  On 18/11/2023 at 19:02, kanny said:


I suppose I don't see the world as a simple place anymore,  it would be nice if was but it isn't,


I agree

  10 minutes ago, kanny said:


nor do I just see people solely by their ethnicity , I dislike ideology not people so why fish from a small pond where talent that can boost the UK is concerned,


I don’t dislike anyone, I just don’t think there is any benefit in forcing oil and water together…..from what I can see it’s an equitable sharing of misery’s 

Unfortunately as we have seen, foreign “Talent” is always at the expense of homegrown talent and at the expense of both society’s, jmho

  10 minutes ago, kanny said:

  I suppose a bit like football,  the big teams want the world's best to keep them at the top .


But the price to local lads trying to get to the top is always the same isn’t it.

  10 minutes ago, kanny said:

But we haven't done that, infact we have done the opposite, we went the low-grade route for the best part, unchecked and poorly regulated and I see this as realistically fixable. 


Absolutely agree.

Good post that mate with reasonable points that I both agree and disagree with.

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  On 16/11/2023 at 21:31, mackem said:

I used to live in Tower Hamlets,the Mayor lutfur Rahman got a five year ban for vote rigging going into mosques telling his Islamic brothers it was their duty to vote for him,after the ban was up he was re-elected and was being investigated again.


The way Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities deliver their votes is " en bloc " through either a tribal elder or through a mosque imam where they will literally ORDER their flock to have their votes signed and delivered in bags....which you would think would be corrupt but the network of political activism within the far left is nationwide.

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  On 17/11/2023 at 19:27, Dutch said:

You’re not missing much. I visit Whitechapel 2 or 3 times a week and it’s an absolute khazi.

My family are from Stepney and for as long as I can remember it’s always been an Asian area… they basically run London now and we’ll always have a mu5lim mayor 


THe far left will have you believe one of the most powerful capitals in the world is run by Asians but when you scratch beneath the surface nothing has changed......nobody is going to risk the type of ££££££'s London " performs " in exchange for tolerance and diversity.....ultimately money is the great leveller.

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  On 18/11/2023 at 18:15, WILF said:

It’s all just gassing really but it’s a gas I find interesting, so, I suppose we have to ask ourselves how we get to any type of nationalist position at all before we can go all the way ?

If we are to go for the pure form of ethnic nationalism then you really do have to be careful how you sell that, that’s a very difficult thing to sell to your common or garden well meaning person with no strong opinions either way…..and there are way more of them than us……unless we have got so used to loosing that we are just happy loosing mate ? 

I mentioned a Trojan horse before and I really believe it would have to be something like that, we keep getting mowed down in the full frontal assaults. 


I get it yes its like anything,if you compromise then be prepared to settle for less than you asked for......a quick result might be civic nationalism but it wont progress.....im an all or nothing kind of person so i could be too much/wrong for some people....but for me theres no other way than standing in line BEHIND the indigenous peoples of this nation.

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  On 18/11/2023 at 19:02, kanny said:


I suppose I don't see the world as a simple place anymore,  it would be nice if was but it isn't, nor do I just see people solely by their ethnicity , I dislike ideology not people so why fish from a small pond where talent that can boost the UK is concerned,  I suppose a bit like football,  the big teams want the world's best to keep them at the top .

But we haven't done that, infact we have done the opposite, we went the low-grade route for the best part, unchecked and poorly regulated and I see this as realistically fixable. 


Seems you have no faith in the man who stands next to you......for me part of this " new " Britain we are bombarded with is to show the indigenous people that we cannot operate without the talents of people we taught !

Racial instinct and behaviour is " a thing " that cannot be overlooked.....yes the big teams want the big players but why not settle for the people who taught the big players.

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  On 18/11/2023 at 19:47, gnasher16 said:

I get it yes its like anything,if you compromise then be prepared to settle for less than you asked for......a quick result might be civic nationalism but it wont progress.....im an all or nothing kind of person so i could be too much/wrong for some people....but for me theres no other way than standing in line BEHIND the indigenous peoples of this nation.


Fair enough squire,  I don’t see it as compromise…..I see it as trying to get to a place that will give you a chance to win.

Hitler needed the Kaiser and all the lords and gents that despised him…..until he didn’t and then discarded them.

I thinks it’s called a sprat to catch a mackerel mate.  

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