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4 minutes ago, WILF said:

I don’t think it’s too late mate, history teaches us that it’s never too late……but if we keep doing the same shit then we will keep loosing !

Until nationalists get aligned and get a few people who understand the game they are playing and how to play it then we will always be snapping at the knife that butchers us ! 

This don’t get won with people that can be easily labelled bare faced racists or football lads, it gets won with smart suits and people who look like your doctor using all the weapons that get used against us against them !

It gets won with carefully crafted story’s and images and messages lots of people can get behind and still feel safe that they ain’t “a racist”

Its gets won by the Trojan horse of including the tribes in your plan for a brighter more sensible future and we can deal with them once in power ! 

f**k me, it’s not even clever, it’s all been don’t before…..

And, if we want a modern role model just look to the AfD.

Just f***ing does me in ! 

Wise words ,I just don't see where a smart talking suit, is going to bail us out ,turn the clock back 40 years and act then ,all to late ,only my opinion 

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If we had historically “kept our noses out” we would still be running around with wode on our faces…..we are a nation founded on conquest and piracy and basically nicking the other blokes stuff becaus

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2 minutes ago, waltjnr said:

Wise words ,I just don't see where a smart talking suit, is going to bail us out ,turn the clock back 40 years and act then ,all to late ,only my opinion 

Don’t know if it gives you any hope or not mate, but the AfD is 10 years old and already has positions in government ! 

Edited by WILF
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9 minutes ago, paulus said:

Do these protestors not think about what they are protesting for?. Hamas was voted in democratically by the Palestinian people back in the early part of 2000, They promptly killed all opposition leaders, They have vowed to obliterate the Jewish Nation.

If this was about peace why are the protestors not caring both Palestinians and Israeli flags? 

The Israeli's have proved that Hamas is using Hospitals, Schools and other public building as there bases, 

I can only conclude that the Palestinian people support Hamas in the agenda to Wipe out the Jewish nation. How would a two state solution work given this situation? 

Not going to happen, the jews are protected by the big man above, every nation thats tried has been all but wiped out, look at the bible and modern history, all tried and failed. Also build a big feck aff wall like over here and live separately, its the only way as the camel jockeys are still stuck in the 600’s ad, hamas has been in power 23 years and its still a shit hole, they are taking the aid money and buying weapons with it, not helping their peoples 1 bit, so its their own fault for it going tits up ffs, the same shit happens in africa, for 40 years they have received billions but are just genetically lacking in common sense, i guess its all the inbreeding theyve done, just revert back to type given half a chance

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2 minutes ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Not going to happen, the jews are protected by the big man above, every nation thats tried has been all but wiped out, look at the bible and modern history, all tried and failed. Also build a big feck aff wall like over here and live separately, its the only way as the camel jockeys are still stuck in the 600’s ad, hamas has been in power 23 years and its still a shit hole, they are taking the aid money and buying weapons with it, not helping their peoples 1 bit, so its their own fault for it going tits up ffs, the same shit happens in africa, for 40 years they have received billions but are just genetically lacking in common sense, i guess its all the inbreeding theyve done, just revert back to type given half a chance

Spot on ! 

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1 minute ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Not going to happen, the jews are protected by the big man above, every nation thats tried has been all but wiped out, look at the bible and modern history, all tried and failed. Also build a big feck aff wall like over here and live separately, its the only way as the camel jockeys are still stuck in the 600’s ad, hamas has been in power 23 years and its still a shit hole, they are taking the aid money and buying weapons with it, not helping their peoples 1 bit, so its their own fault for it going tits up ffs, the same shit happens in africa, for 40 years they have received billions but are just genetically lacking in common sense, i guess its all the inbreeding theyve done, just revert back to type given half a chance

Now there's another question, All these billions of pounds worth aid given every year, who is accountable for what happens to it. How can  any Country be allowed to survive solely on aid? They certainly play the game a lot better than we do, 

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2 minutes ago, paulus said:

Now there's another question, All these billions of pounds worth aid given every year, who is accountable for what happens to it. How can  any Country be allowed to survive solely on aid? They certainly play the game a lot better than we do, 

Exactly all the billions given from white countries and yet the lazy black kunts still want reparation money????? Just ship them all home and let them fend for themselves, see the poof, tranny, womens rights disappear like a pensioners wallet on the tube journey. (Stolen by the blacks), Its long over due, but close to stopping all the nonsense, suella braverman would make a far better PM than richy rishi, hands down

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2 minutes ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Exactly all the billions given from white countries and yet the lazy black kunts still want reparation money????? Just ship them all home and let them fend for themselves, see the poof, tranny, womens rights disappear like a pensioners wallet on the tube journey. (Stolen by the blacks), Its long over due, but close to stopping all the nonsense, suella braverman would make a far better PM than richy rishi, hands down

Its been said that is what her ultimate goal is, But that will be after a term under Starmer. Will there be anything left after that Lol

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Just now, paulus said:

Its been said that is what her ultimate goal is, But that will be after a term under Starmer. Will there be anything left after that Lol

God only knows mate, prob be civil war before starmer finishes, she would be better joining reform uk, or her and farrage would make a better team running the tories, at the miniute i think suella is great

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1 minute ago, Lenmcharristar said:

God only knows mate, prob be civil war before starmer finishes, she would be better joining reform uk, or her and farrage would make a better team running the tories, at the miniute i think suella is great

She has certainly been saying the right things lately and the normal population is hearing her, This all right wing shit makes me laugh, The irony is that you really cannot get further to the right than fundamentalist Islam. We need Politicians who are doing it for service to this Country rather than service to there Bank balance, Sadly there as rare as hens teeth. 

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8 hours ago, jukel123 said:

This thread has gone apeshit. Its been hijacked by pakistani child rape horrors , black and brown v  race wars and muslim v christian  confrontations. At the centre of all the above arguments is a simmering resentment about high immigration which is why we voted for brexit only for immigration to rise.

Breaking news..... governments don't care about high immigration and the social unrest it causes .The more the poor fight amongst themselves the better the establishment like it. It deflects from their incompetence, cynicism and money making.

But back to the thread. Israel has been treating Palestinians like animals for years. Hamas or Hezbollah or some other dark force, cynically killed some 1500 Israelis and took several hundred hostages. This is yet another atrocity in a long war between the two sides. Check out the numbers of palestinians killed by Israelis over the last decades:


This chart shows Israeli & Palestinian deaths/injuries documented by the UN in Gaza and the West Bank.

Which side is the aggressor here?

The Israelis have introduced a system of apartheid so extreme that many Jews all over the world condemn them and disown them. The Israelis do not want to be not to be history's whipping boys again and have acted like super charged ruthless nazis. There is a terrible irony here.

Today's demonstration is nothing to do with how the white working class have been treated in this country. I don't need any lectures from anybody about that particular grievance. Today's demonstration is about peace and as Macron says for the Israelis to "stop bombing women and children".

The press will distort todays event because the press is owned by the money men. They will concentrate on the left/right factions, Tommy f****n Robinson( who makes his money begging for donations) or some dick trying to deface a monument. The world establishment has dictated that the Israelis have every right to occupy that part of the world and have signed treaties to that effect.  But that doesn't make it right. And it aint right for the Israelis to flatten Gaza,  massacre innocent people and drive over a million citizens from their homes.

Even the americans are saying enough is enough. That tells you how extreme Israeli actions have been.

You forgot to mention that  ,Israel helped create and finance Hamas .

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