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To quote Goebbels, “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”.

Sieglien , “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it “.

Hiram Johnson, “ The first casualty of war is the truth”.

Or the old lurcher man saying, “Believe nothing you hear and only half you see”.


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Theres just no hope 😱

If we had historically “kept our noses out” we would still be running around with wode on our faces…..we are a nation founded on conquest and piracy and basically nicking the other blokes stuff becaus

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Watch the attacks in the uk now escalate, very worrisome times in the uk as these illegal armies thats here will fight for the shitslamic side all day long, flanked by the republican terrorists over here and in the uk, what have the kunts in charge let happen to the UK? The enemy within, all whilst oul king in name only bows to the usuall woke and left wing minorities, give it up patriotic english, whilst ww3 breaks out and you are all drafted, these camel riding invaders will be here raping your daughters and wives and take over your towns, what a knife in the GB peoples backs from the traitors in government, for every attack here a left wing leader should be tried for treason and assisting murder by them voting and bringing them here to commit it

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29 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

To quote Goebbels, “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”.

Sieglien , “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it “.

Hiram Johnson, “ The first casualty of war is the truth”.

Or the old lurcher man saying, “Believe nothing you hear and only half you see”.


I wouldnt believe either side if they told me it was fckn Wednesday

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4 hours ago, chartpolski said:

The Israelis are showing footage of an Hamas missile taking off and exploding and landing. They have also released intercepted phone calls of Hamas commanders talking about it.

Who knows what really happened ? 

One thing i do know is. looking at the footage of the car park where the alleged missile landed, There was no classic explosion signs, No crater, No shrapnel damage, Cars still roughly remained where they were parked. I would say it was most likely a fire ball rather than an explosion, The cause possibly being fuel still contained within a malfunctioning rocket. This fits the IDF account of what they believe happened, Indeed Biden has said that the Pentagons own initial investigations also point to this. 

If true, It just goes to show how easily the media can manipulate situations, Very scary stuff tbh, The coverage from the other hospital where casualties were allegedly being transferred to last night was just so fake it was funny mate, again manipulated by the media in this case Aljazeera. 

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The whole "bombed hospital" thing is just manipulated by Hamas then fed to the press. The press suck it up and report it as an Israeli atrocity which has resulted in cancelled meetings.

The casualty numbers faked, hospital destroyed, faked again. Scenes of casualties and ambulances faked. It shows quite clearly what a twisted and disgusting enemy Israel is facing.

It wouldn't surprise me if the truth is even worse, the "bombing" was staged, deliberately by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, quite happy to kill their own civilians to try and drag Hezbollah and Iran into the war.


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3 hours ago, chartpolski said:

To quote Goebbels, “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”.

Sieglien , “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it “.

Hiram Johnson, “ The first casualty of war is the truth”.

Or the old lurcher man saying, “Believe nothing you hear and only half you see”.


“I’d have walked there and did them in” McHull ! 

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21 hours ago, jukel123 said:

Just checked out Al Jazerra. Their coverage is identical to the west's coverage. But that proves nothing. The Bin Laden family and the Bush family were business associates and the Bin laden family plane was the only plane allowed to fly out of America after 9/11. We are only fed what 'they' think is an appropriate diet of news.

Think he'd something like 57 brothers, with that size of a family - one wrong un is good going.

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