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This is a dig at religion not the Israelis. Years back I watched an investigative documentary on the kibbutz system in Israel.  Cameras were allowed into a pig farm. The manager of the farm swore blind the pigs were being reared for medical research..transplanting pig arteries into humans etc. It was found, despite the Jewish ban on pork consumption, to be just another intensive pig unit. The carcasses were being exported. Made me laugh.

A while back I was in an off  licence and picked up a pack of lager. When I got to the till I realised I had picked up some really high alcohol, blow your head off lager. So I said to the female Pakistani on the till " I'm going to take these back and get some ordinary lager". She said " yes it's horrible as well". I asked her how she would  know and she quipped back " do you always obey your 10 commandments?"

Sorry for going off thread. I'm very old and off to bed now.

Edited by jukel123
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If we had historically “kept our noses out” we would still be running around with wode on our faces…..we are a nation founded on conquest and piracy and basically nicking the other blokes stuff becaus

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10 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

A while back I was in an off  licence and picked up a pack of lager. When I got to the till I realised I had picked up some really high, blow your head off lager. So I said to the female Pakistani on the till " I'm going to take these back and get some ordinary lager". She said " yes it's horrible as well". I asked her how she would  know and she quipped back " do you always obey your 10,commandments?"

I once got invited to a party in Pakistan,one of the guests was a customs officer who turned up with a few bottles of whiskey,met another guy brewing illegal booze called Hunza water,let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

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45 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

I agree. This is part of the hard-core terrorist mindset. The " cause" or innocent people's deaths doesn't really matter to them. Look at what the IRA and the UDA did to their own people. Look at the people who,shaped our world like Ghenkis Khan,Stalin, Hitler and Mao Bush and blair....    all genocidal murderers. They didnt get empathy, pity or leniency. They were complete nutjobs.



You missed 2 out mate

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38 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Good call mate.

How about Putin? For me another f****n maniac

Just to add balance to my firmly left, world view. One positive thing about Trump and Johnston is they didn't start wars. They are both more interested in shagging and money.lol

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Read the thread …. Educate 


hook line and sinker every single time do you’d never learn the play book 


all gearing up for the ww3 scare event half of your will die with the jab half of yous will die by shitting your pants going off reading this thread 😂😂😂😂


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59 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Follow up ….might be hard for yous to digest a non msm narrative but I guess that’s why we are in this mess in the first place 

Respect Scotty , I usually post piss taking or dismissive reponses to your conspiracy theories and you never go down the threatening or personal route. I think your last two posts are a very interesting school of thought. As Frasier says" I'm listening".

Edited by jukel123
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