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Do not be decieved from the birth of the Muslim false corrupt religion there goal and command is to destroy the Jewish race regardless of how Israel acts Muslims are commanded to kill them and after them kill us. What do you expect from a religion based on a pedophile Mohamed  in reality a datan worshiper.

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Theres just no hope 😱

If we had historically “kept our noses out” we would still be running around with wode on our faces…..we are a nation founded on conquest and piracy and basically nicking the other blokes stuff becaus

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4 hours ago, NEWKID said:

Invading by land, sea and air ..... on a microlight ffs!! Lol

Paramotor,yesterday I saw them called microlights and paragliders,paramotor footlaunch and trike,in fairness they are a perfect way to cross a border unobtrusively as has just been shown.

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41 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Unfortunately I can't do it personally just yet as I've only just put my application in to the KT and I'm not sure how long it takes to get accepted and initiated. 

Wheres that picture from I'm sure I recognise the guy on the far right 

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We need to look past the obvious reason for the war, the land grab and territory argument.

The real reason is Islam and their attitude to anyone who doesn't follow their perverted beliefs.

All the other muslim countries are coming out in support for Hamas and Hezbollah, they want to eradicate the Jews before they start on the rest of us. Think it won't happen? There's already militants and their supporters openly celebrating in this country and we're gullible enough to allow it and let even more in.


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36 minutes ago, mackem said:

The dead partly naked body of the lady the Palestinian guys are sitting on,I just read she was a German tourist?

bet she didnt see that coming........a lonely towel beside the pool............

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Whats worse is the vvankers over here in the uk, ya know the leftist extremists that call every body right of extremist perverted left a right wing nazi, those very peoples are the ones celebrating with the downtrodden muslim terrorists waving the Palestinian flag, i mena wtf??? The nazis killed jews enmasse and these c unts call us nazis whilst they celebrate a culture hell bent on killing jews??

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4 hours ago, WILF said:

It just shows how this “it’s all our fault” ideology is pervasive, there was a time when we understood the meaning of retaliation, the bloke with the biggest stick won ! 

Now it’s all “oh, well, can’t blame them because we was nasty once” and “well what have we done to offend them” 

The yids hold no such nonsense views in their heads after watching 3 generations get put in ovens a little over 70 years ago, if you want to f**k with them then you are having it ! 

Are the yids a load of lovely people cutting about spreading love and joy and flowers around the Middle East, no, and what’s  more they don’t want to be and couldn’t give a shit….they care about themselves and their homeland and I can totally admire that……if only we took the same attitude when pakis are blowing up teenage girls at pop concerts or slaughtering commuters on the morning tube or bus !

These Hamas mob and all their people are f***ing savages and I hope Isreal level every living soul in their shithole country !

the yids are treating the palastinians like hitler did them 

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1 hour ago, DIDO.1 said:

🤣 I just googled knights templar 

O right 😂 i actually thought they'd been banned nowadays but see they've still got a twitter page . 

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21 minutes ago, Chid said:

O right 😂 i actually thought they'd been banned nowadays but see they've still got a twitter page . 

There's quite a few groups calling themselves knights templar. There's a masonic order of KT. They fund an eye hospital in the holy land treating Jews, Muslims and Christians equally. I keep trying to join cos they have really cool regalia and wear swords 😁👍

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