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Who ate that, Topcat? 

The ponds you see in big farm house gardens and larger houses are called stew ponds and they were living larders from a time when we were god fearing christians that ate fish on a friday, carp and per

True, zander are prized, but the 'No Kill' attitude is a lot more common. Eaten catfish a couple of times, 1st time was at a hunt repas, hot in a creamy tomatoe sauce & was handsome. 2nd time

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8 minutes ago, Councilestatekid said:

A polish lad used to work with had carp for like there xmas meal every year like our Xmas eve back home couldn't get his head round us putting them back after a picture 

Tesco in areas with big polish communities sell carp around Christmas time,I met an old Serbian guy a month or so back who had caught a 25+Lb carp in the Rideau river and ate it,china town in London has tanks with live carp for the Chinese.

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I've eaten pike several times , that was prepared and cooked by my friends wife . She'd fillet it , then remove those horrible little bones , then slice it and deep fry it in batter . It was equal to any chip shop cod. I've also eaten plenty of eels , and my share of barbel when I was younger  

I used to bring home perch for another friends wife , but I've never eaten it , and I used to bring back pike up to 3lb , and eels , for another neighbour. 

My mom used to like grayling , but I can't remember how she used to cook it.

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Just now, mushroom said:

Was that any good?

@mel b what did barbel taste like? I can’t imagine eating it if I’m honest  :laugh:

The skeleton picked clean will attest to how good it was,going fishing next week for crappies for the freezer.

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Perch cleaned and scraped.....then slashed on the flanks and buttered...and grilled....is in my view far tastier than trout

when i was a nipper and got a decent pike...it was cleaned and filleted and soaked in vinegar and salt and water overnight prior to cooking...(used to get rid of that muddy taste)

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46 minutes ago, mackem said:

Tesco in areas with big polish communities sell carp around Christmas time,I met an old Serbian guy a month or so back who had caught a 25+Lb carp in the Rideau river and ate it,china town in London has tanks with live carp for the w

Wouldn't go down well over here eating a 25lb carp haha. I've never fancied eating it if I'm honest but I can only eat fish aslong as there isn't any bones in even the smallest of bones makes me gip used to love kippers as a kid but can't even eat them now

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