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Multiculturalism,a failure,finally there’s realisation.

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Rolling back net zero, scrapping, at least some of, HS2, decrying multiculturalism and illegal immigration........all very laudable, but they've had 13 years to do something, so why now ? Could i

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15 year old girl stabbed to death in Croydon yesterday. Multicultural society's do not work and never will and now more so with the invasion we are suffering day by day by small boats from France when will these idiots in charge start listening to the ordinary people of this country ffs.

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  On 27/09/2023 at 12:54, WILF said:

For those of us who like to delve into this stuff, the betrayal gos back way before that.

Dipak Nandy (dad of Lisa Nandy !) was the first director of the Runnymead Trust in 1968 !……never heard of them ?

You should of, they have shaped the disaster we see today !

Dipak Nandy basically wrote the method statement for racial policy for every government since 1968 ! 

This is a systematic and sustained, historical betrayal of Britain and everything that ever meant by every government of every party ! 

What we see today isn’t new ideas, it’s a plan maturing as they go along.

People need to understand the length and scale of the betrayal to understand the enormity of their predicament…..this isn’t a decade or two decade thing, it’s generational and all consuming. 


Before the days of the internet chaps like me were called every name under the sun for pointing out stuff that is now openly available to those who wish to research such things......we was told we were conspiracy nuts,trouble makers who were concocting racial tension for our own amusement....when all we was doing was telling the truth and standing up for ourselves !

The Runnymede Trust has only come to light since these times but many of us were familiar with it years before and it must be squarely put at the feet of Blair and his lefty lunatics who pushed through the Parekh Report in 2000 which was seen as the vision for Britain after concluding that Britain was an inherently racist nation with the solution being to diversify it through multiculturalism and mass migration......Runnymede were the think tank who drafted the report but the insurmountable damage was done by Blair with what can only be described as vindictive and evil policies.

Bhikhu Parekh who conducted most of the Parekh Report was Vice Chairman of the Commission of Racial Equality and also the Chairman of the Commission for the Future of Multi Ethnic Britain......he also wrote a book called Marx's Theory of Ideology !!......the book made no secret of intentions to use every authority including police/ tv/media/institutions of learning etc to attack and demonise white working class people.

Whats going on today isnt something that has crept up on us its been there in black and white openly available for years to anybody who cares enough to research it or spirited enough to voice it.... people like me have spent 40 odd years telling folk where it will end and only now its too late are some starting to open their eyes,many pretending to of had the same mindset as us all along yeah f**k off you did....most of you called us names and now its cutting up rough you're going all plastic patriot these people make me just as sick as the parasites who put us here in the first place.

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  On 28/09/2023 at 16:30, Lenmcharristar said:

It will stop when the native british get off theyre arses and take it back, the natives need to oust the governments and hang the traitors like in the nuremberg trials, until this happens the state will keep on pumping them in


Only the little men was tried and hanged at the Nuremberg trials...all the best top most vile Nazis went to work for the good old U.S of A after the war Len...it was mossad who went after and dealt with the majority that the US, and UK didn't get their hands on...they dont have to answer to anyone...

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  On 28/09/2023 at 17:56, Daniel cain said:

Only the little men was tried and hanged at the Nuremberg trials...all the best top most vile Nazis went to work for the good old U.S of A after the war Len...it was mossad who went after and dealt with the majority that the US, and UK didn't get their hands on...they dont have to answer to anyone...


I know what you mean, just shows something has to start the ball rolling for it to happen

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  On 28/09/2023 at 17:56, Daniel cain said:

Only the little men was tried and hanged at the Nuremberg trials...all the best top most vile Nazis went to work for the good old U.S of A after the war Len...it was mossad who went after and dealt with the majority that the US, and UK didn't get their hands on...they dont have to answer to anyone...


Thousands went to south america Sean, there is whole towns that's first language is German, all relatives and descendants of Nazis. 

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