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That's Brand fckt

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54 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

Seen a copper who was involved in the savill affair has said theres 2 more house hold names have been mentioned to him regarding more serious sexual offences

Wonder if he will name them ? In a world where there is not much due process I'm sure Facebook will find out if their guilty or not 

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Since the beginning of the human race women are drawn to powerful men. Back in time power would mean physicality and dominance.Nowadays power can be money or fame. Its also true young women seek security through relationships, whereas young  men generally seek sex with no complications.

When men eat, shoot and leave, women feel rejected and disappointed. They then begin to feel resentful and feel they have been exploited. If Brand had called those women back and begun a relationship, there would be no revengeful kiss and tell stories to the media.

Why are people surprised? He tells his audiences he fucks any good looking woman willing to open their legs.

He's a wrong un for sure and needs a good kicking if you ask me. But as far as his sexual adventures, if you put a fox in a chicken house, the inevitable happens.

I don't have a daughter, but if  i did and she gambled and slept with a celebrity and then got dumped, I would remind her that if you put your hand in the fire, you always get burned.


Edited by jukel123
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17 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Since the beginning of the human race women are drawn to powerful men. Power can be money or fame. Its also true young women seek security through relationships, whereas young  men generally seek sex with no complications.

When men eat, shoot and leave, women feel rejected and disappointed. They then begin to feel resentful and feel they have been exploited. If Brand had called them back and begun a relationship with any of these women, there would be no revengeful kiss and tell stories to the media. I still think he's a prick of the highest order.


Agree 100%

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