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Who would you vote for?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Who gets your tick in the box?

    • Labour
    • Conservative/Tory
    • Liberal Democrats
    • SNP
    • BNP
    • Plaid Cymru
    • AN Other, specify

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Based on recent performance, the hunting ban, loss of personal data by the Revenue, sleeze, the lie over a reforendum on Europe, the errosion of our civil liberties; need I go on? Who would have had your vote had we had our election last Nov as was possible or if an election was called tomorrow.......

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in an ideal world BNP but as i have voted here it would be for Labour,mostly because a vote for the BNP would be wasted as they will never get into power,the vote would be better used ensuring we didnt re-enter the dark days of thatcherism and the tories.

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I come from a traditional Labour family as many on here do I would imagine.....but I'd no sooner vote for the Labour party than I would gouge my own eyes out with a spoon.


They make me sick to my stomach...the lying, cheating, corrupt, sleaze ridden vermin that they are. They are the ruination of Great Britain....f*****g scum.

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I come from a traditional Labour family as many on here do I would imagine.....but I'd no sooner vote for the Labour party than I would gouge my own eyes out with a spoon.


They make me sick to my stomach...the lying, cheating, corrupt, sleaze ridden vermin that they are. They are the ruination of Great Britain....f*****g scum.


i agree, labour have changed dramatically from the way it was. Labour seem to bend to pressure, rather than whats right. As we have seen with the hunting ban

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I come from a traditional Labour family as many on here do I would imagine.....but I'd no sooner vote for the Labour party than I would gouge my own eyes out with a spoon.


They make me sick to my stomach...the lying, cheating, corrupt, sleaze ridden vermin that they are. They are the ruination of Great Britain....f*****g scum.


Good man Stabsy...........its the "I have allways voted Labour" mentality that gets them in..........be nice to think some in this country could manage some independant thinking ;)


Bizarre really that there are some Labour supporters on a hunting forum, bit like being a queer or a darky on a Ku Klux Klan forum :D

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I come from a traditional Labour family as many on here do I would imagine.....but I'd no sooner vote for the Labour party than I would gouge my own eyes out with a spoon.


They make me sick to my stomach...the lying, cheating, corrupt, sleaze ridden vermin that they are. They are the ruination of Great Britain....f*****g scum.


Spot on Stabs with summing up they labour gimps :clapper::clapper: but lets not be kidding ourselves here,were talking about politicians here........there all the fecking same,they've all done it including the Tories,promise you everything but when they get in to power they'le bend you over and have your trousers down about your ankles.........tell you anything you want to hear to get the vote ;) Scum the lotta them !!!

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I lived through the Thatcher years back home f--k it was cold, but what the lady had was conviction,direction and integritty. This bunch are just pocket liners. The minute Cherry started visiting bone-throwers and rune readers and dealing with cons they should have been OUT. Like I said Mrs T wasn,t pleasant for most but she stood her ground and led from the front.

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It would have to be conservative. Probably going to start an argument, but the voters in the north east ( my area) and scotland are as thick as two short planks when it comes to politics and vote labour "cos my parents voted labour, and their parents voted labour...."

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It would have to be conservative. Probably going to start an argument, but the voters in the north east ( my area) and scotland are as thick as two short planks when it comes to politics and vote labour "cos my parents voted labour, and their parents voted labour...."


Up here in scotland mate you will find the labour twats have been bombed out with people now voting SNP :thumbs: But your partly right in what you say about people not voting for the tories and some still voting labour ........but what you also have to remember is that many old scars up here will take a long while to heal from the tory rule and thatcher years.

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AN Other for me as I feel you may as well vote for Mickey Mouse :laugh: . All politicians are bent in one way or another and if anybody thinks that any one party will not up banning hunting/ ALL guns/enjoyment/breathing etc etc :laugh: , well I think a reality check is called for :laugh::drink:


Oh yeh, talking of reality checks.........................C'mon WALES!!!! :boxing::laugh:

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