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XL Bully Ban Incoming

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That's it... I'm out of here!! 

I'm pretty easy going and tolerant about most things ,but every time I see one of those big fat ugly useless earless bags of shite towing a skinny scruffy trackie wearing waste of space and his tattoo

Here's the common sense approach i.m.o... XL bullies added to the existing DDA. Making it illegal to breed and sell so, in theory no other dogs being added to the existing population. A

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  On 06/10/2023 at 16:00, paulus said:

I watched a video once of half a dozen dogs that had cornered a very big Boar into a wallow, It was under a overhanging ledge and was chucking this dogs about like rag dolls. Then a couple of blokes turned with with two dogs that looked very similar to those in the video, Fook me they just steamed into this boar. lock on and just dragged it out. By the way that first dog was released to early but i suppose a rematch would have been out of the question Lol 


They should get a Teckel 😆 


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  On 06/10/2023 at 16:48, chartpolski said:

I’m not, and never have been, on fb, but I can open it, but can’t post or comment, I don’t know why you can’t but to be fair, I’m not exactly computer literate ! 😂👍




Same here, charts.  I get by on here, and this is my only 'social media' site.  👍

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  On 06/10/2023 at 16:23, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Rare photo of a surviving bull and terrier after a bout with MC Hulls left foot .  Note the impact damage to the canines upper cranium area. 
uncovered in Bridlington circa 2005 




Every time I look at this, I'm chuckling like a naughty 10 year old, whilst incurring the displeasure and wrath of 'she who thinks she must be obeyed!!'  😄 brilliant!!  😄👍


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As a younger man for whatever reason i cant remember i ended up in a house full of black drug dealers who had a small 35 lb odd pit bull that they used to watch over the gaff,we was all standing around in the kitchen while the dog was in the front room looking straight at me through this serving hatch type of thing.....it seemed to sense i was " different " being the only whitey in the place and started growling etc......things ended up in a bit of a commotion and someone let the dog in it headed straight for me......it sniffed at my feet and leaned up on me and took a nip around my hip through my jeans then as i pulled away it bit hold of my hand.....another lad instinctively pulled the dog off by the collar and it left a 50p size hole in my hand......went to hospital and got it stitched up etc doc asked if it bit me anywhere else i said it tried to nip me on the hip.....when i took my strides down it hadnt even broken the skin but there was deep black bruising all around the area,once the adrenalin had calmed down it became excruciatingly painful...... beyond the actual teeth damage these dogs can do the sheer strength and jaw power is frightening.....its completely ridiculous to think a man could fight this type of a dog off try kicking a dog in the head thats moving like lightning and literally all over your body not only will you probably break your foot on his head if you connect properly but its highly unlikely he'll not even be aware you have kicked him the drive and ferocity these dogs have when they click into gear and start working and swapping their holds just isnt something you are going to be able to calmly react to. 

Edited by gnasher16
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