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That's it... I'm out of here!! 

I'm pretty easy going and tolerant about most things ,but every time I see one of those big fat ugly useless earless bags of shite towing a skinny scruffy trackie wearing waste of space and his tattoo

Here's the common sense approach i.m.o... XL bullies added to the existing DDA. Making it illegal to breed and sell so, in theory no other dogs being added to the existing population. A

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ive been bit in the hand by a shepard my pitbull atacked it and i had to choke him off i picked the shepard off by the head i didnot even feel it at the time adrenalin but a bite from a comitted bull breed shaking and ripping your flesh is another matter

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  On 05/10/2023 at 20:56, NEWKID said:

I've never ever seen a dog booted in the head hard enough to knock it out... or ever seen one wobble off a back hand... been around a fair few dogs and some very good dog lads, admittedly not many pure bull breeds, but a few bull xs... and only seen a little heavier disciplining... I dont believe you've kicked and beat dogs to knock out or wobble them, not tbd acts of a decent dog man to me...


mate i grew up on an estate were kids had man biters been around them since a kid been around lads with yard full split loads a fights 

and  also been to lads with dogs and needed  to get them out the way protection dogs are as much use as a plastic fork 

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  On 06/10/2023 at 08:30, mr moocher said:

years ago a friend of mine got attacked by a staffie my friend want no c**t it f****d all his tendons up he said their was f**k all he coukld do and that was just a stafford


there quick agile little things hard work when something keeps going low to your legs 

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  On 06/10/2023 at 09:38, mC HULL said:

mate i grew up on an estate were kids had man biters been around them since a kid been around lads with yard full split loads a fights 

and  also been to lads with dogs and needed  to get them out the way protection dogs are as much use as a plastic fork 


I'd say pretty much most of us on here are off of estates, and there were dogs roaming about, we all had f**k about dogs of differing breeds etc... been bit a few times, nothing too serious though... but I've never seen anyone kick a dog and knock it out or back hand it and make it wobble... I've choked a couple of dogs off each other, and had to choked an English Bull terrier off my old Jack Russel, the f***ing great lump decided to grab her round the middle and try and kill her...the woman owner started screeching not to hurt her dog as I wound the collar up tight abd choked the f***ing thing... I dont know enough about pit bulls etc, mates had them but all seemed steady enough, I will take it from lads on here that really know there stuff that you ain't kicking one in the ribs if its intent on hurting you

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  On 06/10/2023 at 09:42, mC HULL said:

there quick agile little things hard work when something keeps going low to your legs 


Is there any dog you haven't had a scrap with?

Is it like some roman gladiator thing,  man vs Dog on the estates in Hull?

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  On 06/10/2023 at 09:42, mC HULL said:

there quick agile little things hard work when something keeps going low to your legs 


Mate got a staff of a drug dealer that he used to guard his car when he had gear in it, nasty little bastrud, first time I met it the little cnut grabbed me by the fork of the trousers, lol, another half inch higher and he'd of been hanging off my ballbag, tried it the field and it was a cur, went back to barking at people through a windscreen. Lol. 

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  On 06/10/2023 at 09:47, NEWKID said:

Is there any dog you haven't had a scrap with?

Is it like some roman gladiator thing,  man vs Dog on the estates in Hull?


If one of them big drooling bastruds has you by the throat how the Fcuk are you gonna kick it in the ribs or choke it, mC HULL must be built like stretch Armstrong. Lol. 

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  On 06/10/2023 at 09:51, dogmandont said:

Mate got a staff of a drug dealer that he used to guard his car when he had gear in it, nasty little bastrud, first time I met it the little cnut grabbed me by the fork of the trousers, lol, another half inch higher and he'd of been hanging off my ballbag, tried it the field and it was a cur, went back to backing at people through a windscreen. Lol. 


lol been round some schizophrenic uns one it’s  teeth bounce off lads leg but caught hid sock ripped full sock off with lads foot still in the his boot it was comical his face was a picture 

fast agile little fuckers 

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  On 06/10/2023 at 09:46, NEWKID said:

I'd say pretty much most of us on here are off of estates, and there were dogs roaming about, we all had f**k about dogs of differing breeds etc... been bit a few times, nothing too serious though... but I've never seen anyone kick a dog and knock it out or back hand it and make it wobble... I've choked a couple of dogs off each other, and had to choked an English Bull terrier off my old Jack Russel, the f***ing great lump decided to grab her round the middle and try and kill her...the woman owner started screeching not to hurt her dog as I wound the collar up tight abd choked the f***ing thing... I dont know enough about pit bulls etc, mates had them but all seemed steady enough, I will take it from lads on here that really know there stuff that you ain't kicking one in the ribs if its intent on hurting you


no collar it be life and death with a pit but anyone else about it be easy enough to put a stop to it while it’s focus is on the man it has 

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Ive got scars,plates and pins in my hands and arms ..from probably no more than 40/50 seconds it took a bull greyhound  to do to  me at a dog show yrs ago,after a terrier I had on couples slyley grabbed it by its front foot started hearing the bones pop🙈bullgrey grabbed me my my arm when i grabbed it to stop it shaking the terrier locked to its paw..was a right f***ing mess..my mates was all there and grabbed the cnut straight away...used a bottle of water up the cnuts nose to get it to leave go of me😔had 3 operations on my hands and arms...no offense but you aint getting no 50lb plus bull x off you if its flipped and lost the plot ...look how easy these dogs are killing folks...grabbing them around the throat..as if the dog knows how to f**k you up quick as👍

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