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XL Bully Ban Incoming

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That's it... I'm out of here!! 

I'm pretty easy going and tolerant about most things ,but every time I see one of those big fat ugly useless earless bags of shite towing a skinny scruffy trackie wearing waste of space and his tattoo

Here's the common sense approach i.m.o... XL bullies added to the existing DDA. Making it illegal to breed and sell so, in theory no other dogs being added to the existing population. A

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Just had a look at the online dog flogging websites. They are all continuing to advertise XL bully pups and adults.

You would think, given the overwhelming evidence linking this breed to mutilation and deaths, that these sites would, for ethical reasons,  discontinue their ads for this breed. What was it Ted Heath said: "the unacceptable face of capitalism"?

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9 hours ago, jukel123 said:

Just had a look at the online dog flogging websites. They are all continuing to advertise XL bully pups and adults.

You would think, given the overwhelming evidence linking this breed to mutilation and deaths, that these sites would, for ethical reasons,  discontinue their ads for this breed. What was it Ted Heath said: "the unacceptable face of capitalism"?

If you advertise pups from working parents,on any of these sites and provide pictures...they will remove the ad and stop you posting....but if your peddling some big useless shitting machine's with a tendency to chew folks up...its all good,got to use words like fur baby,mummy,daddy 🙄all in the wording it seems...👍

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4 minutes ago, mr moocher said:

they took because it had cropped ears no other reason if they took this one i think theyll take any ill put a picture of it up later

Cropped ears wtf they should have left the dog and took the owner lol

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she bought it when they was all the rage,shes been brought up around pitbulls and likes the type,no one saw the ban coming before all the attacks,the bitch is brain dead i dont like them,shes gonna insure her if she can but the bitch is 100 miles an hour not agressive but as i told my daughter if they test her thell destroy her shame shes not my cup of tea but not dangerous

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1 hour ago, mr moocher said:

she bought it when they was all the rage,shes been brought up around pitbulls and likes the type,no one saw the ban coming before all the attacks,the bitch is brain dead i dont like them,shes gonna insure her if she can but the bitch is 100 miles an hour not agressive but as i told my daughter if they test her thell destroy her shame shes not my cup of tea but not dangerous

I definitely wouldn't volunteer her for testing etc when the ban comes in, just tell your daughter to keep her head down and keep the dog on lead and muzzled in public and hope she doesn't draw the attention of authorities.

Is your daughter's dog cropped too? That definitely won't help in keeping attention off her. Honestly mad that folk have been getting away with the cropping for so long TBH and can definitely see them starting to enforce those laws more.

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