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XL Bully Ban Incoming

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That's it... I'm out of here!! 

I'm pretty easy going and tolerant about most things ,but every time I see one of those big fat ugly useless earless bags of shite towing a skinny scruffy trackie wearing waste of space and his tattoo

Here's the common sense approach i.m.o... XL bullies added to the existing DDA. Making it illegal to breed and sell so, in theory no other dogs being added to the existing population. A

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2 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

We live in the age of make believe and bullshite.

Until we reach an age where truth once again can shine free it will always be a shitshow.

Your names Gemma, your a single mum, you live on a council estate....no you can't have a bull breed.

You name is Liam, you drink in a flat roof pub and ride a motorbike around your estate with no helmet on....no you can't have an XL bully.

Your name is Steve, you enjoy cock fighting and attending badger trials, you live on a yard in Norfolk......yes mate you can have a pit.

Truth will always be truth, right will always be right. Until that time comes then kids will continue to be mauled.

I actually sold a bandog to a bloke called Liam who had a motorbike and was landlord of a flat roof pub :laugh:

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7 hours ago, dogmandont said:

I think the point your missing here with your comparison is that guns don't have a mind of their own... A gun isn't gonna Fcuk off out the front door by itself and kill some poor ole fella or a passing kid, gun control is there to keep the dregs of society from keeping them whereas any halfwit can own a potential killer and you only find out when some unfortunate dies. 

Im using the gun example to make a point, not to understand someone elses point that irresponsible people with big dogs exist in the world. Everybody knows that.The point Im trying to make is that the presumption of innocence we all enjoy in this country is there to protect the innocent and not to punish the guilty. The guilty should be punished. The innocent protected. Banning breeds has already proved to be a failure. One day a bright spark will say "lets ban all unnecessary dogs" A fool proof way of keeping everyone safe from dogs. The people in this country are told what to think by the media and the government happy to oblige.  especially if it takes our attention off all the other crap going on.

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Presumption of innocence is a fallacy. 
If it were true, there would be no remand, no locked up over night in a police station.

They should just tell it as it is and say “ hey, we think you are guilty, so we are taking you to court to prove it, and it’s up to you and your lawyers to prove your innocence “.

Same with the saying that’s bandied about more and more these days; “ policing by consent” .

Who gives them this consent ? Nobody has ever asked me if I consent.


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13 minutes ago, jeemes said:

Im using the gun example to make a point, not to understand someone elses point that irresponsible people with big dogs exist in the world. Everybody knows that.The point Im trying to make is that the presumption of innocence we all enjoy in this country is there to protect the innocent and not to punish the guilty. The guilty should be punished. The innocent protected. Banning breeds has already proved to be a failure. One day a bright spark will say "lets ban all unnecessary dogs" A fool proof way of keeping everyone safe from dogs. The people in this country are told what to think by the media and the government happy to oblige.  especially if it takes our attention off all the other crap going on.

I don't like the idea of any more laws or dogs being put on the dangerous dogs list but that's what happens when society doesn't police itself and the government steps in as its all they know. 

99.9% of people that own xl bullies are I could guarantee absolute fckwits. THEY have caused this problem not the authorities. 

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Anyone see the video of the bulls tearing lumps outa the bloke on the ground? Two elderly people with a wheelie bin trying to stop them and someone with a phone recording it all,......I kept the bulls for years ,never had one that was dodgy ,but I'd be f****d if I would ever get another....

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32 minutes ago, jigsaw said:

That's a still from it,Ive watched 20 seconds of it , couldn't watch any more it's terrible,the poor bloke 


Lucky it was him and no Mchull they set about.He'd have chinned the pair of them before going over the field and knocking a horse out

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