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Produce your own.........

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Seems to be a big up take for threads on off grid living or self sustainability so thought I would stick it in here lads because the 'living of land and game cooking' section doesn't get much traffic

Well, I have promised some cooked produce photos. Tonight's tea, double pork chops....... Bloody gorgeous and now I am stuffed! Genuinly have grown to appreciate food more. We have all got u

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16 hours ago, ryaldinhio said:

Wilf do you use the plastic electric fence posts? Or do you use timber posts and the screw in insulators? Also might be daft question but does the electric fence wire just go straight into the red/black outlets or do I need another interconnecting part between? I assumed there would be 2 cables with the kit with clips on end to clip onto the wire? Can't seem to find any info on them.

I use wood for the main anchor points in the field and fill in along the line with plastic, much sturdier job mate.

You need an earth wire and a connection wire from the box, 3 x 1 meter metal rods to hammer in the ground that the earth wire connects too.

Instructions are in the box I think ?

The earth and connection are coated, black single strand wire that you run off the box to a main connection point in the field.

You just connect it directly to the fence wire.

The earth can be outside the shed where you have the box situated. 
I ran my connection wire through water pipe and buried it to give extra protection and keep it out the way. 

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20 minutes ago, keepdiggin said:

Loving what you’re doing mate 

Cheers pal, it's taking some effort to get it going but enjoying it so far. The turkeys in brooder are growing double quick, out of the other 5 eggs had 1 hatch so far not sure if the others will do. Tomorrow's job is to sort the pig pen so I can collect 2 weaners this week. 🐖 🐷 

Then the focus will be on the vegs 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 29/07/2023 at 10:33, ryaldinhio said:

Im not doing it for money, just had a perfect example of why I wanna produce my own.

We normally go to the butchers but grabbed some super market bacon......what the f**k is this all about... 10mins in oven and shrunk to less than half size?! The bacon packet is on the same plate, not lifted for effect.

Unreal how the products on our shelves are modified to suit, to carry more water to increase weight for sale etc. No one has a clue what they are pumping into stuff and therefore what we are eating.


so its not just me then, i like my bacon n egg breakfast most morning, i get a pack of smoked back bacon from supermarket,i have to bung in 4 rashers to get a decent sized portion of bacon, thats after i have drained away the white stuff

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4 hours ago, borderboy said:

Got your pigs yet?

No mate, I cancelled the 2 I had lined up because they were intact boars and I was warned off because of boar taint. I might be picking 2 up this weekend if the fella still has em by time I've sorted pig pen. The area I was guna put em on had more shite in it than I thought so I've ended up scraping it all off with machine. Plan now is to put 2 pigs on the area that will be next yesrs veg garden. Let em turn that over and fertilise it for me. The chickens and turkeys are doing well out in the run now. 



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