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Seems to be a big up take for threads on off grid living or self sustainability so thought I would stick it in here lads because the 'living of land and game cooking' section doesn't get much traffic

Well, I have promised some cooked produce photos. Tonight's tea, double pork chops....... Bloody gorgeous and now I am stuffed! Genuinly have grown to appreciate food more. We have all got u

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2 hours ago, poxon said:

there layer’s pellets contain all they need for egg production you’d have to feed that anyway they’d not find enough food scratching about in the dirt that’s just supplementary food stuffs and morsels. Mate you won’t believe the amount of damage an  land they could clear once they get to work hens are a busy animal. I’ve got 3layers i keep them in a omlet cube on hard standing with scratch material in the run I dump food waste in the run for them to eat an scratch. every month or month an a half it gets dug out an on to the compost heap I’d not recommend having them free roaming if you have a cared for garden there soon have it looking like baron land with dust baths everywhere. 

And the cnuts will end up 2 streets away🙈😁

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4 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

And the cnuts will end up 2 streets away🙈😁

True that I had a trio of Dutch bantams once them fuckers can fly slight bit of wind under there wings an there off…had to go down the road a few times an nock on the doors can I have my chickens back please felt a right c**t 

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I had 30 odd OEG Bantams in my allotment at one time...let them out in the morning...they be gone far and wide 🙈 sit up in the trees like f***ing wood pigeons...perch above head height at night in the sheds ...only time I ever lost any was rats taking a few trom under the mothers in their first 2 weeks after hatching👍

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57 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

I had 30 odd OEG Bantams in my allotment at one time...let them out in the morning...they be gone far and wide 🙈 sit up in the trees like f***ing wood pigeons...perch above head height at night in the sheds ...only time I ever lost any was rats taking a few trom under the mothers in their first 2 weeks after hatching👍

I like oeg bantam I had a hen once good little layers for a bird not really designed as a layer. 

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6 hours ago, poxon said:

Definitely get some well worth keeping them for eggs mate cheap as hell to keep and easy 


1 hour ago, Daniel cain said:

I had 30 odd OEG Bantams in my allotment at one time...let them out in the morning...they be gone far and wide 🙈 sit up in the trees like f***ing wood pigeons...perch above head height at night in the sheds ...only time I ever lost any was rats taking a few trom under the mothers in their first 2 weeks after hatching👍

What breed of chicken would yous recommend lads,preferably ones that stay on the ground lol

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9 minutes ago, Francie, said:


What breed of chicken would yous recommend lads,preferably ones that stay on the ground lol

Hybrid layers Sussex x Rhode Island reds are the most common typical ginger looking farm yard chicken 

I like the maran xs and Sussex xs myself 

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3 minutes ago, poxon said:

Hybrid layers Sussex x Rhode Island reds are the most common typical ginger looking farm yard chicken 

I like the maran xs and Sussex xs myself 

Thank you poxon il have a search for them tomorrow,is it chicks I'm looking for or young birds?

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28 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Thank you poxon il have a search for them tomorrow,is it chicks I'm looking for or young birds?

Pol meaning point of lay is what you want usually 16 to 18 weeks old 👍🏽I highly recommend Sussex xs as there naturaly inquisitive an friendly and good with kids 

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