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Seems to be a big up take for threads on off grid living or self sustainability so thought I would stick it in here lads because the 'living of land and game cooking' section doesn't get much traffic

Well, I have promised some cooked produce photos. Tonight's tea, double pork chops....... Bloody gorgeous and now I am stuffed! Genuinly have grown to appreciate food more. We have all got u

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19 minutes ago, ryaldinhio said:

Todays activity for the misus and kids, making pickles out the last of the cucumbers. Bit of onion and fresh garlic in there and a couple jars with chillies in too. All homegrown 






So envious of your lifestyle…. Enjoy seeing your enthusiasm, and progression… thanks for sharing ….. speaking of sharing , how about a bit of that cured pork when it’s done along with some eggs lol 

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22 minutes ago, Franks dad said:

So envious of your lifestyle…. Enjoy seeing your enthusiasm, and progression… thanks for sharing ….. speaking of sharing , how about a bit of that cured pork when it’s done along with some eggs lol 

Thanks pal. Always eggs going spare round here.....the sausage and bacon are at a premium though 🤣.

I know it's easily said and probably expected but seasonal homegrown and homemade everything is so much better than shop bought version. We have all become so used to everything being mediocre but available all year.

It's taking some work and we are still developing and learning. We are about 1year in now. I reckon it will take a few years for us to really nail it down and have succession planting and sufficient stores to see us through the year etc.

Plenty show and interest in what we are doing and drop me messages n that so while ppl are interested I will keep on sharing what's going on, good and bad.👍

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27 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Pickled a few of the small onions and made some green tomato and red onion chutney;



Misus is planning some green tomato chutney with the ones that didn't turn.

This is probably a stupid question but will ask anyway.....can you pickle any onion? I was looking for pickling onion types in garden centre and none of the seed packs said good for pickling.

What do you use in your pickle? Equal parts water/vinegar and some herbs/spices?

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1 hour ago, ryaldinhio said:

Misus is planning some green tomato chutney with the ones that didn't turn.

This is probably a stupid question but will ask anyway.....can you pickle any onion? I was looking for pickling onion types in garden centre and none of the seed packs said good for pickling.

What do you use in your pickle? Equal parts water/vinegar and some herbs/spices?

I just pickle the smaller onions of whatever type I’ve planted. I’m guessing you can pickle any type.

Yes , equal parts warm water and white malt vinegar, bit of salt,  you can use brown malt vinegar if you want.

I make up my own spice mix; mustard seed, coriander seed, black pepper corn and a couple of bay leaves but you can buy ready mixed pickling spices.

A tv chef said never use dried bay leaf for any cooking as it loses all flavour if not fresh, so I bought a small bay plant and now a year later it’s a small bush and I pick the leaves the day I use them.

I planted my jap winter onions three weeks ago and they are coming on great, so planted another 100 today; 



I’ve got some ordinary garlic and some Russian giant garlic to plant in the next day or two and I’ve got 48 spring cabbage plants sprouting in the greenhouse so that’s about all ill be planting until spring.



Edited by chartpolski
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24 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I just pickle the smaller onions of whatever type I’ve planted. I’m guessing you can pickle any type.

Yes , equal parts warm water and white malt vinegar, bit of salt,  you can use brown malt vinegar if you want.

I make up my own spice mix; mustard seed, coriander seed, black pepper corn and a couple of bay leaves but you can buy ready mixed pickling spices.

A tv chef said never use dried bay leaf for any cooking as it loses all flavour if not fresh, so I bought a small bay plant and now a year later it’s a small bust and I pick the leaves the day I use them.

I planted my jap winter onions three weeks ago and they are coming on great, so planted another 100 today; 



I’ve got some ordinary garlic and some Russian giant garlic to plant in the next day or two and I’ve got 48 spring cabbage plants sprouting in the greenhouse so that’s about all ill be planting until spring.



What mesh do you use over your hoops? We used some insect mesh from BnQ this yr and it was useless. Cabbage whites just landed on it, folded their wings in and crawled through! We were hammered by caterpillar 

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Just now, ryaldinhio said:

What mesh do you use over your hoops? We used some insect mesh from BnQ this yr and it was useless. Cabbage whites just landed on it, folded their wings in and crawled through! We were hammered by caterpillar 

Debris net my pals get me from building sites.

I had loads of caterpillars aswell on stuff that wasn’t well netted.


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Just now, waltjnr said:

Charts ,this ok for onions ? Or the malt darker stuff ? 


I’ve used both white and brown malt vinegar but prefer the white for the simple reason the onions stay white. They taste the same if white or brown is used. I just use normal supermarket vinegar not the pickling vinegar, I use my own blend of spices. I guess that Sarsons pickling vinegar would work well but will be more expensive than ordinary malt vinegar.


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40 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I’ve used both white and brown malt vinegar but prefer the white for the simple reason the onions stay white. They taste the same if white or brown is used. I just use normal supermarket vinegar not the pickling vinegar, I use my own blend of spices. I guess that Sarsons pickling vinegar would work well but will be more expensive than ordinary malt vinegar.


Thanks Charts ,my Saturday is sorted ! 

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Bacon trial No1. Been curing all week, took first joint out to try. First couple slices were really salty but these were outside ones. Others were spot on. The fat on the bacon actually cooked, none of the water and shite coming out of it like shop bought that stops the fat going crispy.

Home grown bacon, home grown eggs on home made bread....we are getting there now!






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