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6 hours ago, ryaldinhio said:

Totally agree mate. A couple of hens at the allotments is not the problem regards bird flu!!! They just want to make it as hard as possible for the normal bloke.

Similar to not being able to feed pigs kitchen scraps. That was the norm for years, the "cottagers pig" and there were no issues. Because some bell end down south was importing wagon loads of food waste from France and caused foot and mouth they carte blanch apply a new law. Then people with little knowledge jump on the band wagon when you feed them carved pumpkins "if they have been in a kitchen and carved with a knife they are deemed kitchen waste".....f**k off! That isn't guna start foot and mouth!!!

If its for your own consumption best off just cracking on and keeping quiet.

was told that you could feed kitchen scraps to a pig BUT, all the meat has to be for your own personal consumption, can`t even give a pork chop to a guest.

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Seems to be a big up take for threads on off grid living or self sustainability so thought I would stick it in here lads because the 'living of land and game cooking' section doesn't get much traffic

Well, I have promised some cooked produce photos. Tonight's tea, double pork chops....... Bloody gorgeous and now I am stuffed! Genuinly have grown to appreciate food more. We have all got u

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4 hours ago, neil82 said:

was told that you could feed kitchen scraps to a pig BUT, all the meat has to be for your own personal consumption, can`t even give a pork chop to a guest.

You can't feed them kitchen scraps regardless of who is consuming it pal.

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On 15/03/2024 at 07:01, ryaldinhio said:

Finished the bee keeping course last night. Very interesting subject. I won't be pursuing it right now but think I will in the future. I thought it was stick some bees in a box and later in the year get some honey. It's a lot more intensive than that and I have enough plates spinning at the minute. Glad I did the course instead of reading up a bit and getting some hives!


Nice one, and yeah they take up so much time, especially spring to early summer wile in swarm season. And one hive can very quickly turn into into 8. Currently have 4 hives coming out of winter, and showing signs of good activity.

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3 hours ago, tank34 said:

Anyone kept guinea fowl for eating before been thinking of getting some for eggs an meat 

I had um for meat n eggs , got them off a bloke nr york who did them for restaurants etc they was bigger built then ones iv had be before,  eggs are nice but very thick shells , quite enjoyed having them about the place 

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On 25/03/2024 at 14:42, tank34 said:

Anyone kept guinea fowl for eating before been thinking of getting some for eggs an meat 

Noisy fu kers we kept them years ago they are lousy mothers we used a broody hen to hatch the eggs

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2 hours ago, keepdiggin said:

Noisy fu kers we kept them years ago they are lousy mothers we used a broody hen to hatch the eggs

Thay be on my allotment so noise will not bother me , will hatch out with my Oxford ginger there great brooders 

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If anyone is interested a freind across the pond has just started a discord server based on produce your own,if you already have Discord installed then just click the link, if not you will need to install discord first, available free from your app provider,the server is in its infancy at the moment but he's hoping to build a community of like minded people from around the world. 

Here's the link 👇


Check out the Atropa Belladonna community on Discord - hang out with 13 other members and...

There's some information in this thread about Discord if you are unfamiliar with the format ,like anything new there is a slight learning curve ,it's a great format once you get your head around it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Been quiet lads because not much going on other than eating the produce! Feel like you seen most of it now no point keep posting same shite!

Moved the chicks into their new shed at weekend get em out of my shed so I can get to my fishing gear!

Other than that just sausage, pork chops and eggs ongoing 😅



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For those that were interested in the hatching egg sales I have now sold 7 sets of 6 eggs with an average sale price of £21. It costs around £7.50 for postage and packaging. So basically average of £13.50 for 6 eggs.

As eating eggs local they would be selling for £1.50


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