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17 hours ago, Bush Rummager said:

Seen a vid of four pigs make short work of a chargrilled corpse in the Ukraine recently. I reckon they'd have done it in one sitting! Lol..

Thing is it’s the manner in which they do it and pigs are messy and have trotters which leave impressions they also eat the rumin bag as do all British scavengers/ predators only cats remove or eat round the stomach of herbivores before consumption so finding the stomach nearby or still attached is a big clue to the culprit 






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Fck off I genuinely want to learn I'm not having 25 thl spackers walking behind us taking the piss 🤣🖕

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I'm on a couple of big cat sightings pages on Facebook.  80% of the pictures and videos are from idiots who can't see its obviously a normal cat , 10% is people posting insane good footage of cats cla

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17 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Thing is it’s the manner in which they do it and pigs are messy and have trotters which leave impressions they also eat the rumin bag as do all British scavengers/ predators only cats remove or eat round the stomach of herbivores before consumption so finding the stomach nearby or still attached is a big clue to the culprit 






Really interesting that. I have found a rumin bag before at the side of a path in a heavily wooded area that is full of Roe. Nothing else to be seen anywhere. Probably was 2 years ago. And funnily enough, my old man stumbled across exactly the same thing just last week he was telling me. Same habitat but 4 miles away. I wish he'd have taken a pic now. Obviously I'm not saying these are cat related.. but it's still a very strange find. I just put it down to dog lads without giving it second thought. If there are any lads still at it around here that is. Maybe it's time to deploy my trail cam!! Lol..

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On 10/09/2024 at 15:20, Greyman said:

Thing is it’s the manner in which they do it and pigs are messy and have trotters which leave impressions they also eat the rumin bag as do all British scavengers/ predators only cats remove or eat round the stomach of herbivores before consumption so finding the stomach nearby or still attached is a big clue to the culprit 






Good pics p and something to think about 

nice to see that you’ve got some of the pics I took in Kenya in your camera roll ! 

good ground sign they were 

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11 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Good pics p and something to think about 

nice to see that you’ve got some of the pics I took in Kenya in your camera roll ! 

good ground sign they were 

Nice to have a good reference, I also have one from India with claws out 


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19 minutes ago, big feet said:

Fcuking amazing!


Que batalha incrível! Dois grandes predadores do Pantanal em uma batalha pela vida! Vídeo: Jaguar Ecological...


Cuiaba river? One of those pantenal jaguar safaris? 

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41 minutes ago, big feet said:

Not sure mate, just seen it on FB. The Jaguar is a powerhouse of a cat.

My money is on the cuiaba river, best place in the world to watch jaguars in their natural environment. 

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2 minutes ago, big feet said:

Would be an experience, i would also love to go on Safari one day.

Life is about accumulated experiences mate, you could do it. 


On this Tour we cover the entire Transpantaneira Road. In the heart of this wild land winds...


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8 minutes ago, mackem said:

Life is about accumulated experiences mate, you could do it. 


On this Tour we cover the entire Transpantaneira Road. In the heart of this wild land winds...


I could mate but highly unlikely with a family of five, good job we have books and video mate. 😁

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