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Fck off I genuinely want to learn I'm not having 25 thl spackers walking behind us taking the piss 🤣🖕

Not judging by the amount of Fanny’s on here ?

I'm on a couple of big cat sightings pages on Facebook.  80% of the pictures and videos are from idiots who can't see its obviously a normal cat , 10% is people posting insane good footage of cats cla

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  On 17/05/2024 at 19:42, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Baring a few escapees , I cannot accept that the majority of sightings are not running dogs that have become lost or dumped for being jank 


You will have to wait until someone in authority tells you it’s true I have seen footage of more than one cat together which only occurs when a mother stays with her sub adult young they are not social animals there is one black leopard in captivity in exmoor zoo so we’re do you recon all these escapees are coming from, I know more than anyone that a lot are misidentified animals but there are hundreds of genuine sightings year on year, there are policemen mp,s and vets that have come on the podcast to relay there story’s they are not all mistaken 

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  On 18/05/2024 at 12:22, keepdiggin said:

How many do you reckon is out there 


Sorry mate never saw your question I actually believe there are a lot more than the guesstimates from what I have seen there are a lot more mountain lions I think simply because they don’t stand out like the black ones so don’t get reported as often, as populations get bigger they should be easier to track as territory’s will get smaller think from what I saw Cumbria has quite a reasonable amount, I met an old fella up there well into his 80s still follows stag hounds and even travels down to exmoor for it he has hunted leopards in India many moons ago and really new his shit recons he finds prints on his farm every three months which would indicate a smallish territory and a reasonable population but exact numbers I could not even guess 

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People are walking about day and night with thermal imaging monocular`s all over the countryside. there are several in my village that post pictures of all sorts of wildlife, I assume this is replicated all over the country, yet still no definitive proof of big cats still living or breeding. 

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I don't doubt the odd one might have escaped and maybe the odd one shot and buried , but most who see them believe in their existence prior to seeing one, same with UFOs being spotted after they appeared in comic books , the thing is the brain is what creates your vision , all images are transferred to the back of the brain, interpreted and then delivered back to the brain as most likely , so if your seeing ghosts big cats or even an empty field generally that's the story your brain has decided to write. 

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  On 21/05/2024 at 19:25, Borr said:

I don't doubt the odd one might have escaped and maybe the odd one shot and buried , but most who see them believe in their existence prior to seeing one, same with UFOs being spotted after they appeared in comic books , the thing is the brain is what creates your vision , all images are transferred to the back of the brain, interpreted and then delivered back to the brain as most likely , so if your seeing ghosts big cats or even an empty field generally that's the story your brain has decided to write. 


i didnot have a clue about bigcats before i saw one if you would of said to me theres panthers running around the uk i would of called you an idiot but i lamped one and saw it as clear as day no imagination

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  On 21/05/2024 at 19:36, mr moocher said:

i didnot have a clue about bigcats before i saw one if you would of said to me theres panthers running around the uk i would of called you an idiot but i lamped one and saw it as clear as day no imagination


I remember asking you about your sighting, a while back.

Being a tad facetious here, but look how many people had the fury usyk fight as really close, some even saying fury actually won?!!!

Many people WON'T see what is actually happening.

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  On 21/05/2024 at 18:08, Greyman said:

Sorry mate never saw your question I actually believe there are a lot more than the guesstimates from what I have seen there are a lot more mountain lions I think simply because they don’t stand out like the black ones so don’t get reported as often, as populations get bigger they should be easier to track as territory’s will get smaller think from what I saw Cumbria has quite a reasonable amount, I met an old fella up there well into his 80s still follows stag hounds and even travels down to exmoor for it he has hunted leopards in India many moons ago and really new his shit recons he finds prints on his farm every three months which would indicate a smallish territory and a reasonable population but exact numbers I could not even guess 


That should be easy to prove now.get 50 camera traps around there and wait 3 months.have you been up and seen these prints.

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  On 21/05/2024 at 19:04, paulus said:

People are walking about day and night with thermal imaging monocular`s all over the countryside. 


But in reality, NO they're not.

You and several others ASSUME the same.

I personally don't know anyone  that walks about the countryside with thermal imaging gear etc, NONE, NO-ONE.  Obviously some people, and I'd suggest an extremely small minority may do.

  And I know several people that still traverse our countryside.

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  On 21/05/2024 at 18:59, keepdiggin said:

I have seen on back in 95ish a black leopard but if dogs being leopard’s favourite prey why’s there not many missing on cctv like there is in India?


Simple answer in India dogs are not kept like ours over hear and we are absolutely lifting with deer that are loosing there natural survival instincts and just wandering around unafraid of things, I think the deer explosion has had a massive impact on the cat phenomenon 

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