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Fck off I genuinely want to learn I'm not having 25 thl spackers walking behind us taking the piss 🤣🖕

There's a record setting on teams, we regularly record meetings (tell everyone before hand) as it saves making notes during the meeting, pass the recording on and everyone has a record. Said a fe

I'm on a couple of big cat sightings pages on Facebook.  80% of the pictures and videos are from idiots who can't see its obviously a normal cat , 10% is people posting insane good footage of cats cla

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  On 10/08/2024 at 10:15, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I like your style . 

So what was the source of the dna she found in Cumbria mate ? 


That was a swab from a sheep carcass but only a partial sequence not what you would expect if you planted it, she got the panthera bit but not the pardus ( leopard ) bit, it’s all real mate nobody is planting stuff that I know of, not saying it won’t happen in the future I have met a few over the years that I wouldn’t put it past but so far as far as I know all genuine so far , 5 samples in 12 years is the result of hard work not fraud 

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If ive learned 1 thing about this internet malarky is people who get a semi on seeing pics of other peoples dogs working and keeping on about them have either done fck all or very little a long time ago, same as when you take someone out and they get overly excited over something that gets done every weekend by regular boys

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  On 10/08/2024 at 11:41, Greyman said:

That was a swab from a sheep carcass but only a partial sequence not what you would expect if you planted it, she got the panthera bit but not the pardus ( leopard ) bit, it’s all real mate nobody is planting stuff that I know of, not saying it won’t happen in the future I have met a few over the years that I wouldn’t put it past but so far as far as I know all genuine so far , 5 samples in 12 years is the result of hard work not fraud 


DNA from urine degrades very quickly G. I think it's fair to be suspicious given the claims. But me and others may eventually have to eat humble pie, I hope you prove us wrong.

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  On 10/08/2024 at 11:42, Bakerboy said:

If ive learned 1 thing about this internet malarky is people who get a semi on seeing pics of other peoples dogs working and keeping on about them have either done fck all or very little a long time ago, same as when you take someone out and they get overly excited over something that gets done every weekend by regular boys



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  On 10/08/2024 at 15:53, dogmandont said:

 🤣🤣🤣I only ask you because your a wanker thats never done f**k all and everyone can see straight through you, I ask because I know they're never coming billy bullshitter. 🤣🤣🤣


I think it's clear from posts who's seen a bit. You are bigging bull crosses up that can kill a fox FFS. And if you did your homework you would see I've put pics up before of some of my dogs. I don't need to lie like you, my last lurcher died around 8 year ago at the age of 15. I haven't had a runner since, and what? 

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  On 10/08/2024 at 09:13, waltjnr said:

Is there a big market in frozen adders ? Sounds a sinister freezer ,wouldn't keep me fab lollies in there ! Lol


Back in day, the day being 1980's is it was not unusual for dog lads to keep odd things in a freezer, some common some not so common. Everyone was skint and anything that could be done to earn a few bob was done. In our "community" a few lads had taught themselves the art of taxidermy by stealing books from the library. Why they did not just join the library and borrow the books I never understood but that was just how things were done.

Most dog lads seemed have houses full of stuffed animals back then. Not to my taste but I could appreciate the finer works however some were hilariously bad and resembled fauna that you would only see in the British countryside if you were tripping on acid.

I remember when one lads freezer packed in so he just dumped the contents. This made front page of the Evening Chronicle when the dismembered or full bodies of various species were found by a dog walker. A picture and the headline Horrific Evidence Found of Devil Worshipping on Chopwell Woods. 

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  On 10/08/2024 at 10:41, WILF said:

The dog got ran 6 nights a week for at least 5 months of the year and was hard fit all the time, took some feeding that beast. 

My dog was 80lb and Miks dog was bigger so you probably are not far off mate


these bull x must be something else because i’ve never seen one coukd last a night never mind 6 on the bounce lol 

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