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Best 2 ask the saluki lads there experts in trying to train deaf lurchers  So I'm told

Why would you get severely ripped ? Ive always said there’s no daft questions, only daft answers! I haven’t had any experience of deaf dogs, but wish you best of luck ? Cheers.  

That’s they way , young’un ! Stand up to bullies and they will back down ! On the other hand, they might not, they might pinch your dinner money, give you wedgies and make your life hell ! B

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17 minutes ago, low plains drifter said:

The grizzle is built like a glass coke bottle already, take it easy don't want to peak too soon, trotting peak that is


i walk one day bike the next mate young uns i do the same same some free running aswell she be right the bitch 

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I might be wrong here but at 21:47 it’s still quite light here in Barcelona, roughly 1.5k miles south (don’t make me work out the light Fresnal, with position and angle bollocks of where) of where this photo was taken… it should be way lighter at the time in that photo ;) 

Mind watching the sun rise up Trawden moors at just past 3am down about 4hours before.

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56 minutes ago, mushroom said:

I might be wrong here but at 21:47 it’s still quite light here in Barcelona, roughly 1.5k miles south (don’t make me work out the light Fresnal, with position and angle bollocks of where) of where this photo was taken… it should be way lighter at the time in that photo ;) 

Mind watching the sun rise up Trawden moors at just past 3am down about 4hours before.

? i’ll take a pic when out tomorrow night same time any lad on here can do the same see what it’s like mate lol

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59 minutes ago, mushroom said:

I might be wrong here but at 21:47 it’s still quite light here in Barcelona, roughly 1.5k miles south (don’t make me work out the light Fresnal, with position and angle bollocks of where) of where this photo was taken… it should be way lighter at the time in that photo ;) 

Mind watching the sun rise up Trawden moors at just past 3am down about 4hours before.

C9A1B677-0AF8-4C7B-8FBB-EDD696BB9C31.png.6c0693da15b1f54196b257b2bea8e59f.pngbe dark half hour after mate 

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31 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

yes mate 20 mins away 

The sand banks put a bit of grunt on the dogs, wanna hear my old bitch growling up the sand dunes even now just turned 10 year old still bouncing to get out of the truck at the coast at first light, got the fizz like fury

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6 hours ago, mC HULL said:

? i’ll take a pic when out tomorrow night same time any lad on here can do the same see what it’s like mate lol

I weren't picking you up on the time though for it too be dark you must been out putting in the miles late. So that is dedication fair play. I should try same lol 

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6 hours ago, low plains drifter said:

The sand banks put a bit of grunt on the dogs, wanna hear my old bitch growling up the sand dunes even now just turned 10 year old still bouncing to get out of the truck at the coast at first light, got the fizz like fury

more flat here mate no dunes etc

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41 minutes ago, terryd said:

I weren't picking you up on the time though for it too be dark you must been out putting in the miles late. So that is dedication fair play. I should try same lol 

i know mate mushroom was ? bit  cooler late no one about 

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10 hours ago, mC HULL said:

i got the electric bike to get back out when wasn’t well over year ago mate helped to be honest great help i don’t have it on now it has settings just come down until you don’t have it on 

was gone ten last night normally go between half 8 ten 

Yea makes sense bloody handy. Not sure how they would fair around here though can’t go ten yards with bloody hill 

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