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Albert beckeles is still alive at 91...or 92..he was still competing well in to his 60's....I think the difference was the old school bodybuilders weren't using as much gear ...as the years have gone

I’ve been watching this blokes videos on YouTube there’s loads of them but his main emphasis on life is to do f**k all he’s got a point you know…….  

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Shame but then you get the likes of Arnie n sylvester still going strong in there mid 70s n they must rattle with all that they've had over the years so is it luck of the draw or genetics who knows?

Have you seen Mike tyson lately in his mid 50s natural or not I don't know but he looks in insane shape..

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Albert beckeles is still alive at 91...or 92..he was still competing well in to his 60's....I think the difference was the old school bodybuilders weren't using as much gear ...as the years have gone on its not just steroids that are being used insulin...diuretics...growth hormone and massive stacks of gear...and then of course if you use recreational drugs on top your body is a ticking time bomb.

Remember though dodger Arnold has had a triple heart bypass in his late 50's..

As a side note lots of Holywood actors do TRT to help stay in great shape...

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3 hours ago, TOMO said:

Albert beckeles is still alive at 91...or 92..he was still competing well in to his 60's....I think the difference was the old school bodybuilders weren't using as much gear ...as the years have gone on its not just steroids that are being used insulin...diuretics...growth hormone and massive stacks of gear...and then of course if you use recreational drugs on top your body is a ticking time bomb.

Remember though dodger Arnold has had a triple heart bypass in his late 50's..

As a side note lots of Holywood actors do TRT to help stay in great shape...

Did you know the traveller Matty who worked the doors?...he never made old bones. 

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I think they end up too big for their hearts - some have genetics good enough to handle it, some don't and their heart can't keep up with the extra load put on it........ whether they've massively increased their muscle mass or, they're carrying too much fat.

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Its the roids, they forget it makes everything grow, even the heart, the roids got bad in the 80s, look at the wrestlers we used to watch on wwf/wcw, id say 80% of the ones we watched died young due to roids, lately dolph lundgren has said that his use of steroids caused his cancer to grow aswell, great times and great actors and action movies but the devil is collecting the souls that had a deal with him and abused their bodies for fame. 

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4 hours ago, lurcherman 887 said:

That joe fella died other day n all quadrupole jabbed… in few of his YouTube videos he says he’s been doctors and they’ve basically said he’s f****d after the jabs.. few weeks later dead 


Yes saw that the other week ...it was all over YouTube...he was only 30...freaky definition year round ...

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15 hours ago, TOMO said:

Albert beckeles is still alive at 91...or 92..he was still competing well in to his 60's....I think the difference was the old school bodybuilders weren't using as much gear ...as the years have gone on its not just steroids that are being used insulin...diuretics...growth hormone and massive stacks of gear...and then of course if you use recreational drugs on top your body is a ticking time bomb.

Remember though dodger Arnold has had a triple heart bypass in his late 50's..

As a side note lots of Holywood actors do TRT to help stay in great shape...

I tell what surprised me was when that eddy hall boxed thor n they went 6 rounds I never expected them to have that stamina the size of them I thought they would be burn out after round 2 atleast?

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