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Collie greyhounds

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My kelpies can be a bit like that Jigsaw, though not as extreme. 

They're all obedient to every member of the household but, if I'm present, they look at me first before doing as they're told. It's as though they're checking that the request (lay down, in your box etc) are things I'm ok with before they comply.

Noggin, the eldest, is seen as being my son's dog. They just gelled really well from a young age and he definitely prefers his company to mine...but he'll still follow my requests over my son's. He took him for a walk in the local wood once and I turned up later with the other one. Five minutes later and Noggin turned up at my side. He must've heard me or smelled me and thought he should be with me. Problem was, my son didn't have his phone on him so we had to walk round for half an hour to let him know that Noggin wasn't lost.

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Just used Ozz over a greyhound bitch, genuine 3/4 ACD Cross, fingers crossed, he's been a hell of a dog.

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9 minutes ago, Neal said:

My kelpies can be a bit like that Jigsaw, though not as extreme. 

They're all obedient to every member of the household but, if I'm present, they look at me first before doing as they're told. It's as though they're checking that the request (lay down, in your box etc) are things I'm ok with before they comply.

Noggin, the eldest, is seen as being my son's dog. They just gelled really well from a young age and he definitely prefers his company to mine...but he'll still follow my requests over my son's. He took him for a walk in the local wood once and I turned up later with the other one. Five minutes later and Noggin turned up at my side. He must've heard me or smelled me and thought he should be with me. Problem was, my son didn't have his phone on him so we had to walk round for half an hour to let him know that Noggin wasn't lost.

My old fella used to be like that. Wife ask him to sit or lay down he would look at me as if to say shall I listen. 


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On 25/10/2023 at 17:51, Black neck said:

There imprinted it would seem


On 25/10/2023 at 18:32, jigsaw said:

So it would,....lol....


On 25/10/2023 at 18:37, Black neck said:

That it would

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Or, in this case, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?!  🤔

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19 minutes ago, shaaark said:



How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Probably quite a bit though not as much as a beaver,however woodchuck don’t actually chuck and wood except in tongue twisters so beaver rule.



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8 minutes ago, mackem said:

Probably quite a bit though not as much as a beaver,however woodchuck don’t actually chuck and wood except in tongue twisters so beaver rule.



How much beaver could....... maybe not!!  Lol 👍

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20 hours ago, terryd said:

My old fella used to be like that. Wife ask him to sit or lay down he would look at me as if to say shall I listen. 



That's reminded me of an incident with my very first kelpie. He was very much a one man dog in his youth. When I met my wife (who's also a teacher) she was doing some school work at the dining table and Rusty was standing up next to her with his front paws on her school work. She tried, unsuccessfully, to get him to move so she asked me to intervene. I told her she just needed to persevere as he needed to accept requests from both of us and that maybe she needed to be firmer at first.

She tried asking him to get down as firmly as she could but, as far as he was concerned, she may as well have been talking Swedish. I eventually gave in, made a tut noise and raised my eyebrows and jerked my head slightly and you could instantly see the recognition on his face, 'Oh! She wanted me to get down. Well, why didn't she just say so.' 

Funnily, after this he started accepting her more and became a very outgoing 'meet-and-greet' type of dog. I even took him into school once to do a mock sheepdog and ferreting demonstration with him. 

I don't think my wife will ever forgive him though for being the main talking point at our wedding instead of her. But he was gorgeous!

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