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On 24/06/2023 at 06:09, fireman said:

I once watched my misses old dog fight the PTS jab,she screamed for ages until she died and no dog i ever own will be put through that again,it breaks my heart every time but i know it's quick and painless and it's a 22 everytime with every dog....

Same Steve .No way will I subject a dog of mine to some heartless c**t  just wanting the money .Last and only one I ever  took to vets hadn’t stopped twitching when he asked how I wanted to pay .I said send me the invoice and made the c**t wait 3 months .

Ive heard tale of dogs whimpering and crying out mate ,disgusting way to go .

As said .22 in the top of the head AFTER the hole is dug .

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Well it went well a very professional service from Serenity vet services from Armthorpe in Doncaster the woman who administered the injection was very professional and the old dog never flinched wile

I know it's not so easy for others but it ain't about how other folk feel it's between you and your dog and the right thing to do, it's a private walk(other don't need to know the details) just two of

Buried him in the garden and planted an apple tree. Variety called Red Devil.....because he was pretty close to a devil! Definitely a character and won't be forgotten.

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1 hour ago, bird said:

ok then, you tell me exactly how shoot the dog, do you use pistol, or rifle , 2nd where do you shoot it, is just back of the head .? and is it instant  death .? like said the huntman, who work for the kennels, kill any old or injured hounds. all iknow that from the deaths of my lurchers who been pts, old bryn was last dog 18 months, it was very good gentle , different  situation  when done at the hunt kennel. i not saying it not done right, but by choice i deff use my vet again with old Buck when i have to, you can pm if you want.!   

For anyone wanting to do it the procedure is easy when done right .For  me the shot is top of the head pointing towards the spine not the jaw .Never had a dog show signs of distress nor thrash about after .A few quivers and it’s over .I’ve cried like a baby at most of them tbh .Few Ive delighted in as they just wernt wired up right .
I always have the hole dug first in a place the dog knows well ,just me but digging a hole when emotions are high never really worked and ended up too shallow .

Too shallow and it will dug up by the very stuff it may of hunted .How’s that for karma .


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1 hour ago, bird said:

ok then, you tell me exactly how shoot the dog, do you use pistol, or rifle , 2nd where do you shoot it, is just back of the head .? and is it instant  death .? like said the huntman, who work for the kennels, kill any old or injured hounds. all iknow that from the deaths of my lurchers who been pts, old bryn was last dog 18 months, it was very good gentle , different  situation  when done at the hunt kennel. i not saying it not done right, but by choice i deff use my vet again with old Buck when i have to, you can pm if you want.!   

I took my old plummer out in my car to a bit of local permission she had been a hundred and more times with me so she knew where we were going,i carried her out the car and laid her on my coat then i sat with her for a few minuets rubbing her behind her ear like we all do to our best friend.We watched the world go by and after a bit i could see through my tears and i just stood up and made a little hiss sound like i had a thousands times to her when quarry was about and when she looked forward i pulled the trigger with the barrel pointing straight down just above her eyes. I cuddled her and said my sorry's but i was and still am at peace with what i did because it was the right thing to do.I wrapped her up in my coat and took her home and laid her to rest in my coat in my garden. As for heartless my eyes are leaking a little now writing this remembering that day and missing my old dog,so no it ain't easy and like i said it wrenches the soul from you but please don't judge others as they do it for the best of reasons mate..

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32 minutes ago, fireman said:

I took my old plummer out in my car to a bit of local permission she had been a hundred and more times with me so she knew where we were going,i carried her out the car and laid her on my coat then i sat with her for a few minuets rubbing her behind her ear like we all do to our best friend.We watched the world go by and after a bit i could see through my tears and i just stood up and made a little hiss sound like i had a thousands times to her when quarry was about and when she looked forward i pulled the trigger with the barrel pointing straight down just above her eyes. I cuddled her and said my sorry's but i was and still am at peace with what i did because it was the right thing to do.I wrapped her up in my coat and took her home and laid her to rest in my coat in my garden. As for heartless my eyes are leaking a little now writing this remembering that day and missing my old dog,so no it ain't easy and like i said it wrenches the soul from you but please don't judge others as they do it for the best of reasons mate..

20th march 2017, if my memmory serves me well, i took my best pal Nell to the vets, she was struggling, i could read her like a book, at the time i thought i was doing right by her, but even now, i can see the look of fear on her face as i carried her into  the vets for help, only to be put to sleep, and heres me after all these years, thinking ive done right by her ,  thought i was a wise owd lad,      not so eh 

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1 hour ago, foxdropper said:

For anyone wanting to do it the procedure is easy when done right .For  me the shot is top of the head pointing towards the spine not the jaw .Never had a dog show signs of distress nor thrash about after .A few quivers and it’s over .I’ve cried like a baby at most of them tbh .Few Ive delighted in as they just wernt wired up right .
I always have the hole dug first in a place the dog knows well ,just me but digging a hole when emotions are high never really worked and ended up too shallow .

Too shallow and it will dug up by the very stuff it may of hunted .How’s that for karma .


is that similar to how they kill cattle  with a bolt gun, top of head pointing towards  to top of spine  .?  like said if done right , ok fair enough. i am only going on  like said with old bryn that i had for 14 years, it was done quick easy to him in vets, he just looked at me and moved his paw, patted his head, and he was gone. i do the same with Buck , he turns 11 in august , and i turn 71 then, we both finished  together   at right time, he my last working dog, if get another later be just  ex work old  worker as a pet . But hopefully couple years away with the big lad  yet.?

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1 minute ago, bird said:

is that similar to how they kill cattle  with a bolt gun, top of head pointing towards  to top of spine  .?  like said if done right , ok fair enough. i am only going on  like said with old bryn that i had for 14 years, it was done quick easy to him in vets, he just looked at me and moved his paw, patted his head, and he was gone. i do the same with Buck , he turns 11 in august , and i turn 71 then, we both finished  together   at right time, he my last working dog, if get another later be just  ex work old  worker as a pet . But hopefully couple years away with the big lad  yet.?

Exactly the same mate .The reason to angle the shot to the spine is to hit the brain and full nervous system .Sorry to be graphic.

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9 hours ago, bird said:

Well all this talk of putting gun to hits head, and blasting it brains through front of it head, I did get  lurcher x lurcher shot for me, by the local hunt man, took the dog back of kennels and shot her, she tried to get back to me, OK she was vicious twat with dogs/ people, but fine with me. I do really think the old injection in the wrist is far better, don't hurt, more humane than all this macho crap, putting a hole in its head. Old Bryn, pts no prob, vet kind gentle, plus they get rid of the body for you, I do the same with old Buck when the times right. ?

It's quiet obvious you've not seen it done too often,ray...if ever you've seen it as your mind's eye is drawing you a vision that's not at all accurate,all my old time dogs have spent minimum 10 years iny company ,I've spen as much if not more time with the dogs in the countryside than with the wife,and not for a second would I contemplate putting them through any form of anguish or pain in their last moments,...it's way faster and more humane than the cold clinical act of a stranger jabbing them for profit,

When the deed is done there's hardly a dent to be seen at the point of entry,and macho is not even an emotion that's present when carrying out the act...you kinda sounded like someone overreacting at the mental picture that developed in your head,...what's upsetting to me is the part where my constant companion is left with a complete stranger and unceramounously dumped into an incinerator,...I prefer it when I place him where I chose to bury him ,to me that's respect


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12 minutes ago, jigsaw said:

It's quiet obvious you've not seen it done too often,ray...if ever you've seen it as your mind's eye is drawing you a vision that's not at all accurate,all my old time dogs have spent minimum 10 years iny company ,I've spen as much if not more time with the dogs in the countryside than with the wife,and not for a second would I contemplate putting them through any form of anguish or pain in their last moments,...it's way faster and more humane than the cold clinical act of a stranger jabbing them for profit,

When the deed is done there's hardly a dent to be seen at the point of entry,and macho is not even an emotion that's present when carrying out the act...you kinda sounded like someone overreacting at the mental picture that developed in your head,...what's upsetting to me is the part where my constant companion is left with a complete stranger and unceramounously dumped into an incinerator,...I prefer it when I place him where I chose to bury him ,to me that's respect ,and one last thing if you shoot through the forehead ,should it not be that the brains get blasted out through the back of the head ....just a thought


No mate .Apart from the mess the best and most immediate is as I’ve described .Done plenty mate .My own and others who can’t deal with it.No mess ,no thrashing about .Whether it’s with a shotgun or a slug ,shoot down the spine and no mess .

Blasting anything seems a tad childish and says to me you havnt done many at all .Not looking for an argument ,just saying it as I see it .

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23 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

No mate .Apart from the mess the best and most immediate is as I’ve described .Done plenty mate .My own and others who can’t deal with it.No mess ,no thrashing about .Whether it’s with a shotgun or a slug ,shoot down the spine and no mess .

Blasting anything seems a tad childish and says to me you havnt done many at all .Not looking for an argument ,just saying it as I see it .

You couldn't be more wrong ,I've done so many I couldn't even attempt to guess how many and that's not me being chest out bragging ,,,where did I mention "blasting anything" ...I use a 22 only,...I own a shotty ,wouldn't dream of using it ,I've culled for mates with foxhounds, greyhound men and failed dogs and sick dogs ,all done in a very professional,matter of fact ,no drama involved...there's very little reaction from an animal done right other than it collapsing to the floor and blood loss,...if your refering to the back of the head comment ,that was said in jest and just a hint of sarcasm...I've edited the post in case my flippant remark was not grasped as meant it to be 

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1 minute ago, foxdropper said:


Last few lines mate .If it’s remotely funny you’ve lost me .

Read my other reply , hopefully that will explain what I wrote ,...you picked me up wrong I reckon 

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2 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

In that case no bother mate .We are on the same page Id say .

Most definitely,.I think i may have come across a bit callous,and that was not my aim



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