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Titanic tourist submersible missing.

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Seems to be a general lack of empathy towards the rich fellas on the sub ,surely that's not right ,we are entering the Schrodinga's cat phase (dya like that Rich ?) and all the families must be going

I'm more than happy with my feet firmly on terra firma!! f**k your diving to 2 1/2 miles down into the depths of the Atlantic, or your space travel etc, and one of the most idiotic things, POTHOL

You couldn't pay me a million to  go down in that or any other claustrophobic device to go to the sea bed.

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Was having this conversation earlier. The deepest I personally went was 79 mts because normal breathing air becomes toxic at 80 mts. Dodgy kind of place to be in my opinion. I doubt there will be a happy result even though I’m sure everyone has got everything crossed.  Jok.

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Bet some dope smoker on the control boat lifted the wrong controller and was playing street fighter, wondering why nothing was happening whilst he was mashing all the buttons hoping for the power moves to kick in, poor kunts in the sub thinking “ this things got a mind of its own”

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Cynical to say the least ffs. These 5 guys know what the heck they were letting themselves in for. For sure you do not adventure this kind of place without total control. For saying that, the total control may have let them down. Jok.

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Watched a bit on the news and the submarine looked a proper heath Robinson job. The more I think about it I really hope that they get them out alive to tell their stories I think we all want a good ending to any rescue mission stories. 

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