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  • 7 months later...
I bought 6 fresh duck eggs from a farmer up the road for 50p.. First time I'd ever tried them.. I made them into a nice fried egg sandwich.. Tasted great.. Loads better than hens eggs..


You've done very well, they're £1.20 for 6 around here. Try them in omelettes or for baking, they're the best. Lower in cholestrole too, so I'm told. Cheers, D.

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Mmm sounds nice, i got a couple more months to go & hopefully my 2 little campbell ducks will lay me some eggs...


My neighbours think i am abit mad as we live in central London but have a garden & they fre range during the day with the dogs lol & at night i put them away, we only got them for my daughters 2nd birthday.. ( or so i told the Mrs lol )

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Fried....lots of brown bread "soldiers"

When i was a nipper we used to go to my nans and have yorkshire pudding made with Pigeon Eggs that were filtched from under my grandads racers... :angel: .we couldnt crack them into the bowl....i insisted they were "blown" so i could keep the egg.. :unsure: ...jesus i must have had the biggest collections of racing pigeon eggs in the UK... :clapper::drinks: The good old days........when we just ate and didnt think about "what" we were eating!


Sweetbreads anyone????? Anyone ever had them fried in lard.....brings back a few memories...... :sick:

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sound good darcy. i boil them put them in a mug with a lump of good butter and bit of salt and black pepper and give them a good stir and have with toast and cup of tea . are boil them let them go cold slice them pour over some mayo and a sprinkle of parkia make a hell of a gud sandwich filler am hungry now thinking of all this food lol

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