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deaf ferret

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i got a new jill yesterday and i think she is deaf when i feed the rest of my ferrets i do a rabbit squeal then they know its food and come out of their box but i was shouting to see if the jill would come out and nothing i have to touch her to make her come out will this affect her working what do think i should do.

Edited by ferreter216
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i got a new jill yesterday and i think she is deaf when i feed the rest of my ferrets i do a rabbit squeal then they know its food and come out of their box but i was shouting to see if the jill would come out and nothing i have to touch her to make her come out will this affect her working what do think i should do.


is she ok in every other way , eating etc or is she generally quiet & not fussed about anything really ?

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yeah she eats ok but would it affect her working


I have no idea about a deaf ferret being any good as a worker but i was thinking as you only got her yesterday she will no doubt be a little bewildered & has to get used to the new set up & the new ferrets etc, she may have been just a little bit scared & took to the security of her bed :)

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Her hearing shouldn't affect her working ability in the darkness of a burrow i reckon its mostly done by sense of smell ?? . Ive a couple of older jills that would sleep through anything but thats one thing i never thought about a deaf ferret

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Deafness is an inherited trait in some colourings. In America where they have dozens of colour types and descriptions (unlike over here where we have 5!) it is estimated that over 50% of 'Panda' marked ferrets are deaf whilst an estimated 95% of Blaze marked ferrets are deaf. It is also believed that (in this country) more people own a deaf ferret than know it!



Edited by Crow
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And don't worry about her working abilities as ferrets (especially albinos) have pretty bad hearing anyway, mostly using other senses to hunt.


I thought ferrets had exellent hearing and sense of smell but poor eyesight :huh:

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i got a new jill yesterday and i think she is deaf when i feed the rest of my ferrets i do a rabbit squeal then they know its food and come out of their box but i was shouting to see if the jill would come out and nothing i have to touch her to make her come out will this affect her working what do think i should do.
speak up i cant hear you!! :no:
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