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We are facing a ban on snaring up here in Scotland - Seems terrible that there is very little mention of it on this message board.


The LEAGUE AGAINST CRUEL SPORTS has been asking all its folk to email MSPs to ban snaring. Us lot should be telling them not to imho.


Here is something from the SCA newsletter:


And before all you SACS folks start moaning, I havnt seen them doing anything about this yet so you will just have to read this from SCA.


Tell your MSP!



The SCA has been actively lobbying Holyrood on the importance of snaring, and each MSP has now received a briefing paper on the subject both by email and hard copy.


Ross Montague of the SCA commented “the positive feedback that we have received from individual MSPs has been encouraging, but we now need to let them know that we have weight of numbers behind us. Members, supporters and others who feel strongly about the need to retain snaring as legal form of pest control must now let their MSPs know.â€


“The SCA is concerned that, should snaring be banned, yet another vital pest control tool will be removed. There are many upland areas (grouse moors and their fringes in particular) where snaring is the only practical, viable and legal option for control of foxesâ€.


The League Against Cruel Sports and Advocates for Animals have been actively encouraging their supporters to email MSPs to call for a ban on snaring.


The SCA is now calling on all of you, our members, supporters and anyone else to email MSPs and tell them about the biodiversity and economic problems that a ban on snaring would cause.


Some Points you may wish to raise in your email:


• Snaring plays an important role in land management and ultimately in sustainable economic and social development of rural communities. Without snares, foxes and rabbits could inflict significantly greater damage on economic activities as diverse as agriculture, forestry and eco-tourism, all of which rely on a managed countryside.

• Scotland’s countryside managers operate to the highest standards and demonstrate best practice at all times. And already work to many industry codes of practice.

• A well-designed snare, set correctly, is a highly effective method of restraining foxes and rabbits until they can be humanely dispatched, and where other techniques such as trapping or shooting are neither suitable nor effective

• The game shooting industry is worth £240 million per annum to the Scottish economy


Click on the following link to find the contact details for your constituency and regional MSPs: www.scottish.parliament.uk/msp/membersPages/msplocator.htm




We would appreciate being copied in on any interesting replies that you may receive!

Please pass these on to ross-montague@countryside-alliance.org. Also please email Monty should you require any further information about snaring and our campaign.

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Is no-one botherd about this? This is supposd to be a forum about snaring and nobody is botherd that it might be banned!




Big Dug,


I think you'll find that most of us who have our wits about us, and the presence to commit a reasonable argument have already submitted our carefully considered thoughts to the powers that be, with regard to the consideration of the abolishment of snaring in Scotland.


Those that have/do not should be ashamed of themselves :icon_redface: as trappers or 'keepers, or as so-called 'custodians of the countryside'.


Don't think that the anti's will rest at this - England and Wales will be next on their list. :big_boss:



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Hi Big Dug, yes I am , the LACS got fox hunting banned in Scotland first, then it was England/Wales turn next!! I can see the same happening again, the LACS have been to quite of late(been building thier funds up) I,ve always said that snaring would be thier next target , so we have been warned lads/lasses south of the border i remember going to the rallies in London, excuse me if I,m wrong ,but we south of the border can not lobby your MSP,s but obviously can e~mail Ross Montague at the S.C.A , please correct me if I am incorrect ,I also think that the S.C.A have got thier sums wrong? have they taken the equation of golf/agriculture/forestry/wildlife reserves ,into considered ration / what have the N .F.U /RSPB/ Forestry Commission got to say about the matter? how much revenue dose golf generate to the Scotish economy?? what of snaring of Squirrels /Rats /Mink ??? have the S.C.A got a fighting fund ??? I can see big time trouble ahead sorry to be doom and gloom!! STEVE

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Hi Big Dug, yes I am , the LACS got fox hunting banned in Scotland first, then it was England/Wales turn next!! I can see the same happening again, the LACS have been to quite of late(been building thier funds up) I,ve always said that snaring would be thier next target , so we have been warned lads/lasses south of the border i remember going to the rallies in London, excuse me if I,m wrong ,but we south of the border can not lobby your MSP,s but obviously can e~mail Ross Montague at the S.C.A , please correct me if I am incorrect ,I also think that the S.C.A have got thier sums wrong? have they taken the equation of golf/agriculture/forestry/wildlife reserves ,into considered ration / what have the N .F.U /RSPB/ Forestry Commission got to say about the matter? how much revenue dose golf generate to the Scotish economy?? what of snaring of Squirrels /Rats /Mink ??? have the S.C.A got a fighting fund ??? I can see big time trouble ahead sorry to be doom and gloom!! STEVE
check to see if the lacs are operating as a charity , if they are , there funds should not be being used for political issus , if so i wonder if the inland revenue would be interested ,
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Good shout Glenn, i,ve been trawling the net all evening and have found out that the L.A.C.S are a charity BUT it flies under the banner of The League Trust (reg: charity number 1095234 ) I,ll bet you a £ to a penny they have got some really clever lawyers/accountants !!!! I will be e~mailing Ross Montague at the S.C.A tomorrow, best regards Steve

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Below is a post from Big Dug on another thread in the forum re: snaring in Scotland and a critcsism of the Scottish Association for Countrysports and my response!! Also below is a reply from Ian Clark the Director of SACS As you can see Ian's a wee bit more diplomatic than me!!!!!!!!!!!!






Thanks Tom. Please post the following:


From Ian Clark, Director of the Scottish Association for Country Sports


I have been asked to comment on the post made by ‘Big Dug’ on the snaring issue which has for some reason appeared in this thread.


Firstly, I agree with Big Dug, to the extent that there is currently a consultation exercise being carried out, and one possible outcome could be the banning of snaring in Scotland. This consultation has once again been provoked by pressure from the League Against Cruel Sports and similar extremist groups.


All of us who work for country sports in Scotland are well aware of this consultation, and are taking an active part in the consultation in our own ways. I see that Big Dug has pasted a large amount of text from one of the Countryside Alliance newsletters, which urges their members to contact their MSP’s and show support for the retention of snaring. I fully support their efforts, and hope that they help in some way, however small.


However, the fact that Big Dug “hasn’t seen SACS doing anything about this yet†only means that he doesn’t know what we are doing, not that we are not doing anything.


In fact, I know from long experience that routine mailings to MSP’s have little or no effect - half of them are binned without being read and I rarely waste my time and resources on such bulk mailings. I also have serious reservations about the stance taken by some other organisations on these consultations - to me, they appear to only try to keep what little we have left, and are purely defensive - they wait till someone tries to ban yet another part of our sports, and then try to stop them.


I take a different view entirely - that our sports have been eroded time and again by the effective propaganda machines that the extremist “anti†organisations have, and that we should be on the attack to regain what we have lost, not just keep what little we have left.


I am currently in quiet private discussions with individual MSP’s - the ones who I think will decide what the government policy will be in the future - on the snaring consultation, hunting with dogs and other vital aspects of country sports.


My view is that MSP’s have been misled by propaganda, and they are beginning to agree. I am providing them with sensible, unbiased information, not just to keep what we still have, but to regain some of the freedom we have lost over the past decade. For the record, I want to see far less restrictions on snaring, not more, and the legalization once more of hunting foxes and other quarry species with dogs where it can be shown that this would be an effective and humane way of taking them.


That is what SACS members want - a return to common sense - and that is what SACS is doing.


Good hunting


Ian Clark










We are facing a ban on snaring up here in Scotland - Seems terrible that there is very little mention of it on this message board.


The LEAGUE AGAINST CRUEL SPORTS has been asking all its folk to email MSPs to ban snaring. Us lot should be telling them not to imho.


Here is something from the SCA newsletter:


And before all you SACS folks start moaning, I havnt seen them doing anything about this yet so you will just have to read this from SCA.


Tell your MSP!



The SCA has been actively lobbying Holyrood on the importance of snaring, and each MSP has now received a briefing paper on the subject both by email and hard copy.


Ross Montague of the SCA commented “the positive feedback that we have received from individual MSPs has been encouraging, but we now need to let them know that we have weight of numbers behind us. Members, supporters and others who feel strongly about the need to retain snaring as legal form of pest control must now let their MSPs know.â€


“The SCA is concerned that, should snaring be banned, yet another vital pest control tool will be removed. There are many upland areas (grouse moors and their fringes in particular) where snaring is the only practical, viable and legal option for control of foxesâ€.


The League Against Cruel Sports and Advocates for Animals have been actively encouraging their supporters to email MSPs to call for a ban on snaring.


The SCA is now calling on all of you, our members, supporters and anyone else to email MSPs and tell them about the biodiversity and economic problems that a ban on snaring would cause.


Some Points you may wish to raise in your email:


• Snaring plays an important role in land management and ultimately in sustainable economic and social development of rural communities. Without snares, foxes and rabbits could inflict significantly greater damage on economic activities as diverse as agriculture, forestry and eco-tourism, all of which rely on a managed countryside.

• Scotland’s countryside managers operate to the highest standards and demonstrate best practice at all times. And already work to many industry codes of practice.

• A well-designed snare, set correctly, is a highly effective method of restraining foxes and rabbits until they can be humanely dispatched, and where other techniques such as trapping or shooting are neither suitable nor effective

• The game shooting industry is worth £240 million per annum to the Scottish economy


Click on the following link to find the contact details for your constituency and regional MSPs: www.scottish.parliament.uk/msp/membersPages/msplocator.htm




We would appreciate being copied in on any interesting replies that you may receive!

Please pass these on to ross-montague@countryside-alliance.org. Also please email Monty should you require any further information about snaring and our campaign.





Foxgun Tom


Mega Hunter


Hijacked Thread


SAC's Membership and Insurance


Above is what this thread was about!!, Hijacking threads and topics has always been a tactic of the antis which is undoubtably frowned upon, here you have someone doing the same, while!! having a snidey go at another organisation he knows feck all about, I was a member of the SCA and I know the majority of it inner circle personally How many of them are! or where members of SACs and can say the same?? There most recent Chief Executive (Tony Andrews) (and he's a feckin dutchman) once described nationalism as petty and parochial and that we Scots get away from this wee bit hill and glen Mentality) There is now a Scottish Nationalist Government in Holyrood, Does the Scottish Countryside Alliance think comments like that will endear them to anyone in this new Scotland, The SCA (a devolved organisation) is seen as being derogatory to some scots because it describes Scotland as a region in its litrature and its sometimes perceived right wing attitude


The Scottish Countryside Alliance what a fecking joke!! there is no such organisation? Its the Countryside Alliance!! This is the same organisation that asked for support when the hunting ban was deliberated in Scotland they put up a minimal defence and then abandoned their appeal because foxhunting is safe up here, After they abandoned their appeal!! the ony people who were badly affected by hunting restrictions in Scotland were ordinary Lurcher and terrier men, who had no access to firearms, The Scottish Association for Countrysports has actively been promoting the continued use of snares and their legal use and I personally have been to one Scottish Member of Parliaments office discussing the issue (Monday 4/2/08) as well as discussing for two hours on the phone to another MSP (a personal friend) who's husband is a director of one of Scotlands pest control firms

Don't give the impression that SAC's is doing feck all re: snares or hijack a thread because former members of The Scottish Countryside Alliance are joinining us in ever increasing numbers


You want us to join in your and your campaign and your campaign alone, look what happened to us the last time, Scottish Lurcher and Terrier men got stuffed. Your last Chief Executive in Scotland has recently walked out on the SCA and he was a proven liar and who also stated to me personally there was no room for certain working dog activities (Coursing, Staghunting etc:


I'll reiterate SACs are actively involved in the current situation, As for supporting the Scottish Countryside Alliance I'd rather take a good kicking to the "BOLLOCKS" If I were to align myself to any other organistion outwith SACs on this issue it"" would be the SGA (Scottish Gamekeepers Association.)






Tell Wee Monty I was asking for him (Ross Montague) Is that a Toff a Tweeds brigade name or just Old school??




Everyone knows of my affilation and support for SACs and its no secret and who I am you!! on the other hand are always in support of the SCA ( thats your right and your entitled to it) but I just wonder if your an official spokesperson for the SCA?? please let us all know! Me!! I'm a lowly sac's member who volounteers his services and if the Countryside Alliance were honest and kept their promises, instead of milking money and support of ordinary guys to keep the eletists in the organisation going. I might still be doing the same for them???

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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I forgot to add that this is an issue for the Scottish Parliament and the Scottsh MSP's alone!! They as MSP's will not take the slightest notice of other fieldsports enthusiasts outside their remit (Scotland) an English, Irish or Welsh gamekeepers views would be seen as irrelevant in this devolved issue and therefore unable to have an input :no: Its a Scottish Government issue, not a UK Government responsibility as Big Dug would have you think :no:



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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I cant beleive this.


All I am trying to do is get folk to help to save snaring and all i get is abuse!


Ok so maybe I shouldnt have posted in the SACS membership forum, it was not the correct thread to talk about snaring in. Why go off your head at me though. Chr*st I am only trying to do the right thing.


I have never, ever, everh heard of SACS being involved in the snaring debate. And I stand by that comment, but now I also stand corrected if I beleave Ian Clarke when he says he is trying to do something. Good on him, everybody else should be too! At least now we know what they are doing, which was my aim by posting in that thread in the first place, everybody is happy now.


And yes I am a member of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, its my choice, I dont have to take a lecture from Foxgun Tom or anyone else about it.


Lastly no, I wont give my name or personal details. I use lots of internet forums and have never had to give my personal details or name, thats not what the internet is about.

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Why where you making sure that SACs was helping in the snaring fight. as far as I'm aware your not even a member?? Your only aim?? as I see it was to drum up support for The Countryside Alliance and a campaign their running?? after allready kicking ordinary Lurcher/Terriermen in Scotland in the bollocks re: Hunting with dogs here!!!


And where was the abuse?? certainly not from Ian Clark!!! All you got from me was a truthfull response with regard to the Countryside Alliance in Scotland. You clearly started the issue by hijacking the thread, it was pretty niave of you to think I would'nt respond to an issue re: SACS





Nobody is going off their head :hmm: You made a comment on The Scottish Association for Countrysports that was based on a lack of knowledge, the comment was also based on you drumming up support for the Countryside Alliance as a member!!! and no one gave you a lecture?? Everything in my response was based on fact!! Throughout the year I meet many ordinary members of the SCA/CA who are disatisfied with that organisation, simply because of the issues in my earlier response, thats why they leave the SCA/CA and join the Scottish Association for Countrysports

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  • 2 weeks later...

WEDNESDAY is the day we will here about the future of snaring in Scotland.


2 things that some people have got wrong in posting on this thread and other threads:


1. Yes it is just Scotland involved at present, but that doesnt mean that the English MPs will not follow what happens up here closely.


2. This is about all snares rabbits, rats and foxes.


I have received an email copy of a leaflet sent to every MSP and to members of organisations. The organisations that wrote it are BASC, SGA, NFUS, SCA, SEBG and SRPBA and it tells us things like what snares are involved etc.


People can still email MSPs, go to the Scottish Parlaiment website and get their address if you would like to.



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