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Buddy's new project

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Went over today to kick it and catch up and get his man has a dang camper in his driveway ?! Well basically what happed was he helped a old lady move and take away a bunch of junk off her property. Well her and her husband where using this camper as a storage unit basically and when they where done she started talking about how she didn't know where she was gonna take it to . He asked what she was talking about and she said she didn't know of a dump that would take it and didn't know how to go about donating it! He said he'd take it off her hands and she was more then happy to give it to him for his help. Well my buddy being the type of guy he is ( y'all think I'm bad when it comes to trying to fix up junk ) said he's gonna turn it into his " mobile hunting base " for going on out of state hunts and fishing trips . Coming along pretty good imo.  Said it took him two or three days to get all the trash ,rat nests and snake skins cleaned out but man it's pretty nice !  Even came with four full propane tanks, a bunch of heaters , the A/C works , and a bunch of other stuff


He even got this fancy reclining chair while at the dump ! Said he was taking out the third or so load of trash from the camper and there was an couple trying to dump it saying they just wanted it out their house. Onto his trailer it went ?


But yeah he's always up to something..... including getting his ass handed to him in a freindly little shooting match . Showed him my new AR build and neat thing you know he has his out ? we're 1-1 now ?


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You guys have so much freedom and so 

much space to enjoy that freedom.

But you don't get that thrill of living dangerously like we do. We get that adrenalin rush when our dogs illegally chase rabbits. There's nothing like it..... that bang you get in flouting the law.?

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