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Am I being rather thick here ffs .I’m not the one who wants to beat the other up lol.

Read the pm if in doubt .

Ive never ,repeat never walked away from a ruck so if Mr over 60 wants to do me harm he can do so wherever  it suits  .I’ll come to the comp ,won’t fish but I’ll donate to whatever cause  and if Paul’s there we will see how much he wants it .

Can Don a pair of gloves and do 5 rounds if he wants all for charity ,I’m very up for that .

All the hardman talking means nothing to me so either he apologises to myself and all of you for being silly writing that pm or he will face the consequences like a man .

His threats of finding me are so empty lads .I live a small village named Notton ,I’m the last house on the right on the Corsham  road out of it .If that’s too complicated then sorry but there tis .

If Paul’s thinks he’s rocking up anytime and blindsiding me then think  again ,I look forward to it .

As for me using SL as a weapon against him ,that’s shite .John is a good mate ,rats with us regular .

Ive never asked asked John about Paul and you are happy to ask him .Shovel leaner on here 

Ive spoken to people Paul’s had dealings with and a few were less enthusiastic about his truth telling as he pertains to be .Paul has lied about the fact he has had many Pms from lads who supposedly know me lol.Anyone who knows me would put him straight lol.

I apologise for my part in any viewing disruption I’ve caused or distress to anyone’s vagina but we are where we are and that meet will happen .

I may be seen as the aggressor but only in response to that pm .I’m a placid easy going guy but have never walked away from conflict .

All this stemming from being told a few of his posts were wrong lol.



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If your asking about the fishing comp so you can turn up and have a tear up or a row then your being a bit of a wanker Tim as that comp is a get together for a good time,to remember and talk about pas

Meanwhile on the moor, a cuckoo, albeit a shite photo of one ?? 

It can take around 8 seconds for the cuckoo to lay her egg. She won’t “buzz “ overhead, but sometimes flies over the moor looking for reactions from the pipits, the idea is to get in and out unseen, a

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  On 11/06/2023 at 09:32, Greyman said:

I don’t really see what you don’t get, the man is making daily threats while hiding behind his rock he keeps posting pictures with details of me in a vain attempt at intimidating me, I don’t have the luxury of knowing who he is and I’m not in a rush to find out but when I do and I,m his area I will as I’ve said give him the option of backing up some of his claims, the other point I would like to highlight is the only person we have ever both met is shovel leaner  who was a decent sort of chap that turned up as arrranged and showed me round his shoot I still bump into him from time to time and it’s a pleasure to catch up and for Tim to keep saying he has been slagging me off as a fake is another massive cowardly act it’s not the first time he has thrown his own mate under the bus and probably won’t be the last, he has made dozens of lies up in an attempt to justify his arguments and try to make me out as something I,m not, all tricks and tactics used by any other cowardly bully,  cheers?


Hundred percent agree with you mate and the only way that would happen is if everyone there wanted to put it on for a few quid to be raised for a good cause and a giggle watching two old c**ts trying to turn back time but don’t worry he knows we’re it is anyway and is again attempting to be scary by insinuating he’s going to turn up when he has no intention of doing so, if I can I will be there again on my own and as with any other event I will be there for the crack and a good cause, hope that clears things up a little ??


Keep posting pics of you ffs .Your a Feckin fruit loop man .

You are a fake ,not only on tge cats threads but in real life ffs .Who the feck makes threats to an unknown person them wimps out like a girl .

Your digging a hole Paul .

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  On 11/06/2023 at 08:21, fireman said:

If your asking about the fishing comp so you can turn up and have a tear up or a row then your being a bit of a wanker Tim as that comp is a get together for a good time,to remember and talk about past members that ain't with us any more.A gathering for the good and not one to bring negative bullshit to,iv'e never been but the pics and write up's show it means a lot to a lot of folk and if you and Greyman both feel the need to sort it then both of you drive the 20 poxy miles it is to meet half way,have a cuddle and then bury this bollocks for good as it's as boring as fcuk bud...:victory:..


Wouldn’t dream of it Steve if as you say it’s a time of remembrance .

Youve all seen the posts asking for a meet between us but not one uptake yet still he thinks the hardman approach is ok lol.


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  On 11/06/2023 at 09:32, Greyman said:

I don’t really see what you don’t get, the man is making daily threats while hiding behind his rock he keeps posting pictures with details of me in a vain attempt at intimidating me, I don’t have the luxury of knowing who he is and I’m not in a rush to find out but when I do and I,m his area I will as I’ve said give him the option of backing up some of his claims, the other point I would like to highlight is the only person we have ever both met is shovel leaner  who was a decent sort of chap that turned up as arrranged and showed me round his shoot I still bump into him from time to time and it’s a pleasure to catch up and for Tim to keep saying he has been slagging me off as a fake is another massive cowardly act it’s not the first time he has thrown his own mate under the bus and probably won’t be the last, he has made dozens of lies up in an attempt to justify his arguments and try to make me out as something I,m not, all tricks and tactics used by any other cowardly bully,  cheers?



You really are the lowest of the low Paul 

.Name any person I know I’ve ever wronged ,please please do .

Clutching at straws ,playing the victim lol.It’s getting very tiresome for the good people on here .

Your a liar ,a fake and a coward and can’t wait to tell it to your haggard face ,lol.

Ive never tried to make you out as anything ,you’re very good at doing  that yourself lol.

62 year old ,overweight ,needs a lung transplant from smoking  and whose liver is like a puff ball lol.

Of course I’m petrified lol.

You’ll call in at your convenience  will you lol,absolute cull of a man .No backbone , no morals  and a yellow streak as long as that brick road .

Come find me pussy ,you now know beyond a doubt where I live so be seeing you turnip .

Everything about you now smacks  of fear from the backpedaling on the frequent invites from me to you might make the fishing comp might not lol.You want to meet there and ok with everyone else then fine ,I’ll be there .

Just print a sorry and you wriggle away Paul lol.Going to look very silly arnt you puffing like a train lol.

Better get some training in old man lol.

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  On 11/06/2023 at 15:38, foxdropper said:

If that’s me just say so Steve .If it is tell me how I should behave and how to resolve it mate .


I’d probably go to the doctor and show him this post, he will probably prescribe you some manpax to help with the manapause your clearly having, sorry all it’s just such an open goal I couldn’t resist, I,ll get my coat 

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  On 11/06/2023 at 16:19, Greyman said:

I’d probably go to the doctor and show him this post, he will probably prescribe you some manpax to help with the manapause your clearly having, sorry all it’s just such an open goal I couldn’t resist, I,ll get my coat 


eh.  i myself had a bout of depression, so too missenn up to the docs, how on earth have u got yourself in such a state keith, so i showed him some of these topics, he put me on MIRTZAPINE ,   HELLOOOOOOOOOO ive never bin reet sin 

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  On 11/06/2023 at 16:19, Greyman said:

I’d probably go to the doctor and show him this post, he will probably prescribe you some manpax to help with the manapause your clearly having, sorry all it’s just such an open goal I couldn’t resist, I,ll get my coat 


Tell me how we resolve this then please Paul 

You want the lime light then you’re  a victim ,then it’s all my fault ,then fishing comps good then you might not make it lol.

You’re a fake Paul .I’m just trying to get you your spot when you’re in character but it seems the pathetic victim takes over before hardman has a chance to say yes lol.

Pretty dammed pathetic tbh ,here I am ,overweight and out of condition as you put it but still you’re scared to death lol.Stands out in every pathetic post lol.

Do the decent thing ,set a date anywhere and put this pathetic miserable c**t firmly in his place lol.

Go on you know hardman wants too ,fight the coward within Paul .

Notton ,Corsham road ,last house on right .

Time to shine Pauline …..mint .

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  On 12/06/2023 at 06:25, foxdropper said:

Did you see the damning report on the local news about water quality Sean .Topped off by a trout topping just over the reporters shoulder ,lol.


water companies are blaming the 22 million chickens housed alongside it,try and cover their arses...that's not helping when they are pumping raw human waste into it almost continually all yr round,only so much you can blame run off from farming etc...rivers a shadow of its self tbh?

See how I do this season,but if things don't pick up,then I will be walking away and taking up something like metal detecting or chasing pigs around a muddy pond again..f***ing disheartening putting all the time in to run the fishing club,and catching the odd 1 or 2 fish,when you used to catch double figures or a couple hundred pound in weight of silvers in a few hrs ,now the fish float past you dead ,not swim??DSC_1823.JPG.06ad57266422106339cffc0d766615b2.JPG

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Think things will get done due to the amount of public pressure groups  now forming that monitor the rivers and hold company’s accountable trouble is it could take a years to start to recover, and as I,m writing this the cuckoo is still singing away in the trees across the water, wonder if numbers are up a bit or if it’s just a Local Bubble ??

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