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Air pistol wanted

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20 hours ago, gnipper said:

I have been looking into getting one for knocking off ferals around buildings etc but the only hunting posts I can find on them is abroad where they can be more powerful. Be handy for a few roosters 😉

There was a fella on here used to hunt with one ? I know the hw45 were quite powerful and in America they use the 1322 or 1377 with a ratcatcher  stock I sold mine before I used it outdoors . Also the Crosman c02 ratbuster is supposed to be capable of cage dispatch but I don’t know about birds roosting as I’ve heard of pellets bouncing off pigeons from airpistols . What about a bsa ultra pcp ? Compact guns and least double the power of a pistol .

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I've looked into a few and I had a little crossman rifle which was small too but an accurate, quiet, multi shot pcp that can be easily concealed sounds appealing to me. Some permissions are tricky carrying a rifle bag to without a load of nosy buggers watching you.

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