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Who's swearing allegience to Charles ?.

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Yes long live the king !!!!

Fascist nightmare ? You really are a cock. 

I always like the royal family ....but gone right down hill lately what with the boys falling out...Charles wanting us lot to eat gm foods...and lizzie bailing Andy out...

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I can't understand these people that are camped on pavements for days to see this stuff. Where do they get that enthusiasm from. I can't think of any thing that I would be that keen to see to get me to do that. 

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  On 04/05/2023 at 13:35, sandymere said:



We also want all the lazy scrounging migrants to go to work and contribute to the economy or fcuk off to the shiteholes they came from aswell as tax paid by the rich and a massive pay cut for the mp’s and the benefits cut to stop the career lazy rats that pop out 15 kids to 18 different dads, a pay rise for the working class aswell and the nhs to stop treating the world for free. 

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What has charles done to even remotley help anyone in britain apart from his buddys in big organizations?

He does nothing for the common man but supports radical policys put forward from his buddys in the w.e.f for eg?

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  On 05/05/2023 at 07:41, Francie, said:

What has charles done to even remotley help anyone in britain apart from his buddys in big organizations?

He does nothing for the common man but supports radical policys put forward from his buddys in the w.e.f for eg?


To right Francie, I won't put up my thoughts of the man on a public forum, I'm in enough trouble as it it, big party going on here tomorrow, I won't be going 

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This is your king balls deep in the world economic forum,listen to his short speech to find out what he has in store for us an our kids

Imo he is not to be trusted one bit along with the rest of the unelected physcos at the w.e.f

Mind you all these policys that will be forced on the common man an his family which will make life a living nightmare they will not be partaking in it


The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to...


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  On 04/05/2023 at 13:35, sandymere said:



I'm indifferent to it all but understand the revenue having a royal family and all the pomp and ceremony that come with it generates for the UK.

What I do know is if we didnt have a royal family the country would still be in the state is is, I would be no better off and 14.4 million (allegedly) people would still be living in poverty (allegedly), we would also be losing a massive part of our history which seems to be the goal for some.

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I love a bit of British in these times, I imagine the takings at pubs, supermarkets and tourism will alleviate some of the costs. He owned the duchy and protected large swathes of Dartmoor from being bought up by London money, the ones that now try to stop wild camping etc. He owns large swathes of Romania again protecting way of life and forests from German lumber companies, he's had input in fighting the Lego house development in UK, he's into countryside and farming. Roll on the weekend , I got the BBQ lit and intend to have it smoking for most of the weekend. Flags up in most villages and towns around , long live the king ?? 

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