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Rspb shooting fox and crows to protect birds?? Hypocrites of the highest

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It’s been going on for years, I knew the lad that used to do the foxes on some RSPB land near Hartlepool, he was on there all year round, they weren’t bothered about anything left underground just what they could see, yet I wasn’t allowed to shoot geese on the fields behind their land when they were in season because it was to close to them

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Well with no natural predators it was only going to be a matter of time before it needed doing. Such a shame to be hiding the fact though, Understanding is knowledge, Blindly following some celebrity with no clue is brain washing. 

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30 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

in Northern Ireland lads?


The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is seeking to hire an


Lololol it seems to be the only bit of common sense being used over here

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They been doing it for donkey's years on Orford Island in Suffolk and are shooting a few cwd on there as well,they should be shooting the black back gulls as that's all that seem to nest over there..

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